
Friday, October 23, 2020

Fourth Generation War Comes to a Theater Near You

Mobs loot, burn, and vandalize while politicians advocate defunding the police. A commune was established in Seattle and turned into Lord of the Flies while government did nothing. Blacks demand equal treatment from police despite a violent crime rate many times greater than that of whites, and mainstream media will not report honestly the differences in crime rates. “Wokeness” spreads among idle youth who flunked English 101. What is going on? 

What is going on, right here on American soil, is war; a new kind of war that is also very old, waged by entities other than states. I call it Fourth Generation War and, to paraphrase Leon Trotsky, you may not be interested in Fourth Generation War—but it is interested in you. 


  1. More brilliance from Mr. Lind. I need to read this through three or more times to catch it all.

  2. Mr Lind has forgotten that it is God that orders the universe. Sad little man . No wonder he is so alone in the world .


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