
Friday, October 16, 2020

Franklin (TN) County School District: "Fuck 'em"

FRANKLIN COUNTY, Tenn. — Franklin County School District leaders are not making any apologies Tuesday in regards to their vote to keep the high school's controversial Rebel mascot. 

Five board members voted against a measure to change it: Christine Hopkins, Lance Williams, Chris Guess, Cleijo Walker, and Caycee Roberts. Fox 17 News reached out to ask each of them why they decided to keep a mascot many find offensive. 


  1. Being "offended" is in the pea-brain of the offended.

  2. Soooooooooooo tired of the 'perpetually offended' and infiltrators trying to change the status quo. in the case of this, the Vanderbuilt prof Dr. David Ikard is a black, white hating libtard, who if he actually lived in that town would get his ass kicked. fuckers need to stay in their lanes

  3. "64% of students and 53% of faculty said they did not want to change the Rebel. But others say that shouldn't matter- 100% of students deserve to feel included." . . . . . that of course doesn't mean the 64% of the students. Naturally speaking diversity will never work anywhere. Whites aint black, southerners aint yankees, westerners aint easterners and acceptation will only go so far. Or as i am wont to say; i can work with anybody but going home & getting in bed with you is something altogether different. Aint'a gonna happen.

  4. Thank GOD someone has a pair....
    Reason 2,532,764 I love living in Tennessee!!!!

  5. Good for Hopkins, Williams, Guess, Walker and Roberts. Clearly these people were listed by name for shaming purposes (well, that backfired). But I'm more interested in the names of the board members who want the mascot changed. For, oh, no reason. No reason at all.

    @BigCountry: sure seems like the perpetually offended run about half the country, eh?

  6. Those dipshit whining people will never agree that just because "some people" find something offensive does not mean everybody finds it offensive. "I don't like it, therefore you shouldn't like it either."

    1. Their thought is more on the lines of "I find it offensive, thereby I am morally superior and more intelligent than you unwashed idiots who don't"." It's not about "offense" so much as it is about demonstrating that they are better (in their own minds, at least).

    2. More like "I don't like it, so you can't have it." Sorta like guns.

  7. Link to school directors. Stanley Bean is the head honcho not listed here.

  8. Bravo, Franklin County!
    --Tennessee Budd


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