
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Good Morning



  1. Have their parents been arrested yet and their heads put on a stake to serve as a warning how dangerous it is for kids to play in the mud?

  2. Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.

  3. So nice to see kids having good clean fun outdoors and not hypnotized by their electronic devices!

  4. Watch some parents come along and screw up a great time. I always taught my daughter a rainy day was a beautiful day. We would go outside and play. Had an old farm house in the middle a nowhere with a long drive. We made dams and canals. Raced sticks in the rapids. Or just walked and enjoyed. She still sits outside to watch lightening while her husband hides in the house.

  5. Those are kids who will grow up with properly functioning immune systems.

  6. Those kids will do great in life. We need more of this today!

  7. That looks like a lot of fun. I wish I could join them.

    I taught my daughter that rain could be fun. You should have seen us the day I taught her the "Stomp the Puddle" game. (Hint: If you stomp in the middle of a puddle, you don't get wet, but everyone around you does. Well, until they join in anyway.)

    I also taught her that a thunderstorm was part of God's entertainment. We both used to sit out on the porch and watch the clouds roll in with the lightning and thunder. She's 35 now, and my grandkids are the same.

  8. All it took to get that started was one kid saying to another, "Hold my chocolate milk."
    Used to love me some Texas thunderstorms and lightning. We get a few down here in Florida, but not like in Texas.


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