
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

It's that time of the year again

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Stink bug season is beginning to peak as temperatures drop. 

According to Orkin, "Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs," often referred to as simply "stink bugs," are the most active from March to September. The peak season is during fall months. 


They're not as bad this year as they were last year - at least my back door isn't covered with them to the point that I have to sweep them off with a broom just to go inside.


  1. FYI that stink bug spray they sell at all the Co Ops dont work. I use a shop vac and empty it out at my chicken pen. Got an old army surplus poncho I keep on my porch, shook it out the other day before putting it on and I bet there was 300 or better of them fuckers in it. Needless to say I opted to just get rained on.

  2. One of these would up in my vacuum and wasn't happy. I thought the motor had burned out on my Hoover.

  3. I've only seen a handful this year...
    Upstate S.C.

  4. I spray the door ways and walls of my house with tempo and just sweep off the dead ones

    John in SD

  5. I've found a half dozen inside in the last two weeks. I shew them into and airtight plastic container. They're usually dead in about a day. Another nice pest introduced from some far east shit hole.


  6. i put teaspoon or less of sevin dust in dustbuster, kills em quick when they get sucked up.

  7. Stink Bug flew into my left eye week ago today when I was going into store. I guess it jizzed in and around my eye cause that was a sting like I've never felt before (And I've gotten pepper sauce in my eye before, that didn't even compare). 7 days later, today, the skin on the top and lower lids are sloughing and looks like I've got leprosy. So apparently the stink bug jizz causes necrosis (at least in me) which probably explains the excruciating pain of my cornea. Another GotDamn Chinese thing that has fucked us up.

  8. Hardly any in VA. They dont seem to have as much stink as they did 10 yrs ago.

  9. First stink or lady bug I saw I used to spread triazoxide on my lawn. The lady bugs would swarm and be thick. I'd mix up sevin in my pumper and go out and spray the shit outta them in the air. I also sprayed all my plants and log home and the 40x36 pole barn. For a couple days every time a swarm appeared I sprayed the bastards. Eventually neighbors, half a mile by crow flies away would say the lady and stink bugs is thick this year. I'd have very few. I know the chemicals. Hell, I was shaking real sevin outta a burlap bag on my garden since I was in my twenties. In shorts, barefoot and had the shit all over me. I always used to tell the wife I'm sending the bugs to the neighbors. I'm still kickin and healthy at seventy-one.

  10. We get similar ones in Alberta but we call them democrat bugs. This year i didn't see any and given I woke up to nearly 4 inches of snow this morning i doubt i will see them this year.


  11. Those fuckers first entered the country in Allentown, Pa. about 35 miles north of me. We had them bad here before anyone else knew what we were talking about.

    My buddy calls them Chinese nanobots.

  12. Is that the bug with the toxic parasites in its feces?
    It likes to eat the drool from sleeping people.
    After it eats, it evacuates its bowels on your lips, then the parasites give you CoVid-19 symptoms.

    Then you get added to TheNationalDataBase.

  13. Here in Utah Inhave. Box Elder bug infestation. Shop vac, bug spray, expanding foam and silicone in heavy use.

  14. LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL, They will run like a sprayed cat.


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