
Monday, October 12, 2020

It figures

In the fight to make the government figure out that Antifa is a danger, the DHS has once again left them out of the Homeland Threat Assessment (HTA). After all the riots, looting, burning, attacks on journalists, they only listed “white supremacists” as the most important domestic danger to National Security. 


  1. Somehow the only "white supremacists" who make the news seem to be something other than white. Can't quite put my finger on it. It is almost as someone wants it to seem not OK to be white. Very peculiar.

  2. Every last alphabet agency in this country needs to be disolved and dismantled. NSA to EPA, and all in between. They are all crooked as the day is long

  3. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for all of those boxcars being gathered at the railyard, and all of those large pits being dug deep in the forest.
    - America's Ypipo

  4. "White Supremacy ain't got nothing on White (when convenient) Supremacy". Or so I hear.

    Not that I know what the above means. The world is a peculiar and confusing place.

  5. Wonder when white people will wake up to the fact that they want us dead and start banding together and forming Communities to prevent that from happening...


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