
Friday, October 16, 2020

Netherlands Gets Ready for Child Euthanasia

 The Netherlands is about to expand its euthanasia law to allow children ages 1–12 to be killed by doctors. (Children older than 12 already can be euthanized). From the NLTimes story:

Terminally-ill children between the ages of 1 and 12 will likely be granted access to euthanasia, Health Minister Hugo de Jonge told Parliament on Tuesday. End of life procedures carried out by doctors in the Netherlands were already possible for infants up to one year old, and for children above 12 years old.




  1. Reminds me of the old farmer. A salesman uses the shit house and hears a yell for help. He looks down the shit house hole and there is a kid up to it's eyes in shit. Salesman gets the farmer. Farmer looks in the hole, grabs a 2x and knocks the kid under the shit. He looks at the salesman and says, Hell I can make one faster then I can clean that one up.

  2. Liberal/Progressive calls for decades: "Hey, let's be like Europe! They're civilized!"

  3. If we lived in an ethical society guided by the Bible and people by default values the lives of others, I could believe this was an attempt to reduce suffering in truly terminal cases.

    But since we live in a godless, corrupt, selfish society that kills children for no reason at all before birth I believe this will be abused.

  4. Just a few more weeks and it will become legal to euthanize all deplorables.
    Over the past four years millions of sheeple were taught to HATE. You can't just turn HATE off, you need someone else to HATE.

    1. If there is going to be any euthanization going on, it the commies who are going to be snuffed out. We deplorables run this joint.

  5. There really is not much difference between euthanizing children of elementary school age and the liberal indoctrination of those same kids in their daily socialist studies class with their daily One Minute Hate.

  6. Not all that new. Doctors in the Netherlands have been practicing involuntary euthanasia for some time now, and that includes children.

  7. We all have a come to Jesus meeting in the end. Even the sick evil bastards that promote this. They will get theirs as you and I get ours.

  8. What do you mean "gets ready for"? Pretty sure they sent me off for that decades ago!
    - Zombie Anne Frank

  9. In America we just let them get their dicks cut off


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