
Friday, October 16, 2020

PyschoChicks - we've all had 'em Part II

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WKRN) — A woman who pulled a BB gun on another driver after an argument in the drive-thru line of a Donelson Wendy’s was then dragged by a vehicle early Tuesday morning, an arrest warrant states. 

The warrant alleges Britney Polzin, 21, was in a vehicle at the drive-thru of the fast food restaurant on Donelson Pike near Nashville International Airport, when she and someone else in her vehicle got into an argument with a man in the car behind her. 


  1. Thought of you Cutter -

    Peace bro.

  2. "Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon"? For a BB gun she shot the guy in the chest with? Seems like a bit of prosecutorial overreach to me. On the other hand she has a scraped up bum and only 2500 bond, so she's probably good to go. I suspect alcohol and illegal substances were a contributing factor.

    1. He’s gat a better chance of dying from that shit food coming out of Wendys

  3. Mike C - Let me shoot you in the eye with a BB gun see if you reevaluate its lethality.

  4. Depends on the BB gun. The opera singer Jerry Hadley committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with and "air rifle'. My grandkids have a pump air rifle which is pretty powerful. On the other hand, the clapped out Red Ryder I had back in the 50's barely bruised my brother's stomach when I shot him with it. Honest, judge. I thought it was unloaded.

  5. A Tennessean here (in the heart of East Tennessee), and yeah, folks around here can get riled up quickly. I'm just waiting for the "pitchforks and torches march" on the capital... yup, GOOD times!

  6. And we thought that idiot with the trigger lock on the unloaded rifle from the other day was stoopid!
    She is lucky she did not get a bullet to the head!

  7. I reckon BB guns are of the same power when I was a kid. Near my home was a guy that owned a construction business. Out back of his house was a graveyard of old equipment ie. bulldozers, graders, dump trucks, pans, skidders and the list goes on. We used to play war with BB guns among those ruins. A BB stings a bit but aint no big deal. Oh. you could a put out an eye! No shit. We were stupid kids and didn't give a shit. Had a lot a fun though. Nope, I don't see this as aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

    1. Police report sez, she shot him three times in the chest, while he was driving and she's holding on to the vehicle. Must have been a CO2 powered gun and some of those can have around 500 FPS velocity which at close range definitely put an eye out. But the chest? May have hurt, but not fatal.

  8. The guy who was looking at the women walking towards him with a handgun did not see it that way and i am sure any one of you dumbasses saying it was only a BB gun and will only sting or put your eye out have not check out some of those newer BB-pellet guns much less give her the chance to point and shoot you with it!!! grayman

    1. Well, I hope you fell better now. So glad we got all that straightened out.


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