
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Well, shit

Sorry folks, I had a bunch of stuff pile up on me Saturday so I didn't have time to schedule anything for today. It was nothing major, just pressing and couldn't be put off. 
Hopefully I'll wrap it up today and be back Monday - hopefully being the key word here.


  1. Shit happens.........we understand.

  2. No Worry. Meanwhile, in desperation I'll just key on the most recent "And I'll leave you with this" for inspiration. HEH-HEH

  3. No problem, Ken. Do what ya gotta do and we'll see you Monday.

  4. No problem - life's always getting in the way but the alternative's not so much fun!

  5. You left us with something beautiful to look at, so no hurry.

  6. Wirecutter Lane, PhD.
    (Piled high and Deep)

  7. enjoy the un-planned day off... everyone needs an extra every now 'n then.

  8. Oh, well, there's always PornHub.......

  9. have a good one. cu on the flip

  10. So I don’t have to check back 10 times today, now I’ll have to rake leaves....

  11. Unexpected shit is my life. I sure know the feeling. I hope things have settled for you. See ya Monday, dude. Be well.

  12. Enjoy a good weekend. Not many left I'm afraid.

  13. Don't rush it, brother! We've all been there! I'll just wait right here ... whistle tunelessly ... tap foot ... No seriously, man, I'm in no rush. Hm, hm, hm, hah ,,,

  14. I hope you can get it all done, Kenny. Thank you for the free beer!

  15. In the Park yesterday evenin two lil kids had these weird bubble makers. Looked like a big mitten. Man did they make some bubbles. Hundreds of em. I said gimme some bubbles! They did and I had bubbles everywhere all around me. I was, Hopeful, I'd have a flash back. I did. Grandpa was there, a guy my age and I said to him, I had a flash back man! He doubled over with laughter and aid, "I hope it was a good one. It was.

  16. Now I’ll have to be a little more useful. You need a break now and then. Always enjoy your posts.
    Paul J

  17. Have a good weekend, Ken.

  18. Life happens. Do what you gotta. We'll be around when you get back.

  19. Take however much time you need to get it squared away. We ain't going anywhere and like some of the others have mentioned, I guess I will be useful now rather than later.

  20. No problem. Donald Trump visited our town of Muskegon yesterday, which I watched on the idiot box, and now, I am actually watching a Detroit Lions football game, for the first time in a long time, and they are winning. What a strange weekend.


  21. Hey Ken, How about those Titans??? One hell of a game fro the start !( I am a died in the wool Patriots fan).
    Have a good day off! Your posts keep me in stitches every day!

  22. "Life is what happened to you while you were making other plans," - Agamemnon Jones


  23. Butbutbutbut...what about me?

  24. Hurry back Ken, I need you to lighten my day, as I wake to a landslide election result for the socialists, here in NZ.
    There will be no good come of it, and I am buckling in for the rocky ride.
    I need my fix of Wirecutter to keep me sane.

    1. We might be right behind you after Nov 3rd.

  25. Do what you have to do! If you need help holler, I’m two days away.

  26. I hope all is well with you. Looking forward to you FakeBook shit posting tomorrow. :)

  27. All work/no play sucks. Take a couple days off, go fishing, sleep in, go for a ride with your bride and take a picnic.


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