
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Setting the stage for a Harris presidency

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday unveiled legislation that would allow Congress to oust a president from office using the 25th Amendment, stressing that “this is not about President Trump,” but about creating “a process for future presidents,” meaning potentially Joe Biden. 


  1. Traitors!
    Each and every one of the democrat bastards.
    Every one of the people that vote for the retarded old bastard are traitors too.

  2. This is all about getting Biden deposed and out of the way. Not Trump.

  3. What we need is a process by which national voters can remove from office a member of congress who is in a safe district but out of touch with reality.

    1. Andy,
      Would that be the 'vote early, vote often' process adopted by 'Roof Koreans'?
      Would that be the 'from under a tarp in a pick-up bed' process?

    2. "What we need is a process by which national voters can remove from office a member of congress who is in a safe district but out of touch with reality."

      We have a couple of methods...
      - Red Air Force
      People's Temple

  4. Why do you need legislation to oust a president?
    If a FAIR and HONEST election elects a president, what possible Constitutional right could congress have in deposing them?
    Commie traitors indeed, since each and every one of them took a "solemn oath" to defend said Constitution.
    Enough to get them shot on sight in times past.

  5. The 25th Amendment already defines the process there is no need for congressional action. nancy really needs to take a course in Constitution 101.

    1. The Constitution? A mere scrap of paper!
      - Nancy Pelosi

  6. Big whup, it's all just political theater until and unless the Donks get both sides of Congress and the Presidency. She can't enact anything that the Senate doesn't vote to approve and the President signs, or his veto gets overridden by both House and Senate.

  7. I will continue to vote Republican every time; not that I am one - it's just that I am an anti-democrat and there are no other real choices. I sometimes wonder if it even matters anymore. It seems most voters are either idiots or the process has been co-opted by evil forces. How else to explain the officials that have been elected and re-elected so many times?

    1. I can 'splain it. Guys like McConnell and Cornyn and pelosi, Schumert just to name two from each side have been there for so long they have built what used to be called 'a political machine'. The dems used to be the best at having a "machine" but 20 some years ago some repubs have wized up and built one for themselves. I'm not sure how they are all put together, but it has to do with lots of money and big donors.
      I don't understand why it takes so much money to win an election. Aren't all voters as smart as me? Long before an election I know for sure who I am voting for. No amount of slick ads or TV and radio BS is going to change my mind. The way I think is, if some slick ads will change your mind who you will vote for then you aren't smart enough to have voting rights.

    2. "I don't understand why it takes so much money to win an election."

      Bribery and payola ain't cheap.

  8. Simple Oldvet1950. The districts they represent are full of low information voters. They round them up and hand 'em $20 with a note on how to vote. Get out and vote everyone, the House and Senate are also at stake. We need a landslide for President Trump so it cannot be disputed. Early voting starts today here in NC.

  9. Simple solution.
    If you don’t own land, no vote for you.
    Get the deadbeats with no skin in the game back in the ditch where they belong.

    1. And Dem pols will immediately gift everyone a 1" x 1" plot of land formerly held in State/National parks.


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