
Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Teen accused of killing 2 protesters in Kenosha won’t face charges in home state of Illinois

Prosecutors say 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who’s accused of killing two protesters days after Jacob Blake was shot by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, won’t face charges in his home state of Illinois. 

The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office said Tuesday an investigation revealed the gun used in the Kenosha shooting was purchased, stored and used in Wisconsin. 


  1. Naturally. This is the beginning of the end of the case against him. Just keep pulling the thread until the whole thing unravels.

    1. No it is just Wisconsin gets the trial, since the gun was not bought or stored in Illinois that they can not charge him with anything. Evidently Illinois wanted a piece of him to!!! grayman

  2. Governor Evers and the mayor of Kenosha need to be replaced. Tried for crimes against the people of Wisconsin and summarily executed.

  3. "Teen accused of killing 2 protesters [who attacked him and tried to take his rifle] in Kenosha won’t face charges in home state of Illinois"

    Fixed it for them.


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