
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Should've named it Skittles-n-Shoot Street

MIAMI -- A Florida road will be named after a Black teenager whose death by a neighborhood watch volunteer in 2012 catalyzed a movement for racial justice. 

The Miami Herald reports Trayvon Martin’s name will be added to section of an avenue that leads to a high school he attended in Miami. 


  1. The hood punk druggie was killed in self defense, while banging a mans head against the curb.

  2. OF COURSE, they’re naming a street after Saint Trayvon. Just tell me he loved in the Overtown district.

  3. Theres a bridge over the highway in Knoxville near where I work named for a local Youth that died a few years ago. Zaveon Dobson, he threw himself in front of 2 female classmates during a drive-by shooting and sacrificed his life to save theirs.
    THAT is something you rename a street or a bridge after.

  4. They should instead name it No Limit Nigga! Street because that's what Martin boasted he was in text messages and on Facebook. This fact was not told to the jurors by order of the trial judge.

    1. Apparently St. Skittles did indeed meet his limit...

  5. Add that to the list of street names that indicated you're in a bad neighborhood.

  6. That was the high school from which he was suspended. That's why he was at his father's and not in Miami when shot.

  7. now, just like streets named after MLK the area will become a peaceful paradise, where those wonderful citizens will enrich our lives!


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