
Friday, October 09, 2020

Tennessee judge publicly reprimanded over 'Grand Wizard' comment in front of courtroom

MANCHESTER, Tenn. (WZTV) — A Tennessee judge has been reprimanded and admitted to making a racially insensitive comment while in the courtroom. 

The State of Tennessee Board of Judicial Conduct issued the reprimand late last month following an ethics complaint filed against Manchester General Sessions Court Judge Jere Ledsinger. 

According to the reprimand, Judge Ledsinger referenced the Tennessee Supreme Court's requirement on face coverings being worn in court, saying "the Grand Wizard of our Supreme Court said we have to wear these masks."


  1. That was a jab at the KluKluxKlan. It didn't have any racial overtones. There's a whole lot of people going to have to get over that thing where they find racism in everything. We won't keep putting up with it.

  2. Calling a person you obviously disapprove of "Grand Wizard" is not pro-KKK. If anything, Ledsinger was implicitly mocking the KKK. What a crock of shit.

  3. Is it me or was that funny?

  4. True But Forbidden, No. 2,397.

  5. Stating the truth, is now, a punishable offense.....

  6. Looks like the local government won’t tolerate their covid sharia law being mocked.

  7. Prosecutor questioning witness: And do you see the guilty party in the court today?
    Witness, looking at room full of people wearing masks: Maybe.


  8. Just like the protestors in MI were using Nazi symbolism to indicate how Gov Widmer was acting, the MSM turns it around to say the protestors are the Nazis.
    It is almost like they purposely distort the truth! /s
    I read about a announcer for the Seattle Mariners and another team was canned over a tweet during our gubernatorial debate (which most of us in SW WA never knew about) in which he denounced Gov Inslee as following science. All he said was, Ya right and I can go to the capital and change my birth certificate from M to F with no problems! (paraphrased).

  9. I guess the judge was over the target.

  10. Starker here,
    Grand wizard is just a good purveyor of magic! There is no other meaning that I'm aware of. Wink wink. "You mean, like with a rag?" Worked for her.


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