
Thursday, October 29, 2020

The ATF Had Redefined What A Pistol Is: Are You Now A Criminal?

 The ATF has changed the way they interpret what a pistol is and is now declaring many of them to be an "Any Other Weapon" which falls under the National Firearms Act (NFA) and requires a $5 tax stamp and mandatory registration.

VIDEO HERE (12:11 minutes)


  1. Take this for what it is worth.

    1. As you said Chris, "for what it is worth": I have a lawyer friend who is a "gun guy" and has a penchant for AR, AK, etc. "pistols". Just this week he was telling me about this. According to him, several Congress Critters had jacked up the ATF reminding them that cannot simply pull gun laws out of their asses or flip-flop on a whim. The counselor basically stated what was written in the link you provided. He doesn't expect any more to come of it unless "Sleepy Joe" is elected. Then, all bets are off the table.

  2. This is what you get when your government is so powerful that they have to tell you what kind of gun you have, because you weren't paying attention when you bought it. If the NFA were replealed, then none of this side show would matter. Why haven't any or thos "right wing extremists in the pocket of the NRA" ever even suggested this? Why are gun rights always on the defense to not lose rights instead of ever gaining rights. Whats so wrong with liberty that not even Republicans will pretend to care about it? (/rant)


    1. To ask these questions is to answer them. So, um , er tomorrow really sucked, right?

    2. You can’t allow too much freedom. That just wouldn’t fly with the overlords.
      We the people might actually think we have some say so in how things are run.

    3. " Whats so wrong with liberty that not even Republicans will pretend to care about it?"

      The Republicans being that party that was founded on the platform of the supremacy of the Federal government over everything? Those Republicans? Yeah, it's a mystery.

  3. Never did see the use for an AR pistol. AR's are not that hard to handle so it did not interest me to have something I could conceal like that.

    1. They're not any more concealable than a carbine with a 16 inch barrel. They're just as tall and wide, and only 4-5 inches shorter.
      They do work better than a carbine in tighter spaces such as a house or a vehicle. And because you don't have all that weight hanging off the front end, they're better balanced - at least for me.

    2. yeah, more handy with just as good performance. the real bitch is these commies went before the court and said "its not a LAW, more like a fluid interpretation of the law" and the court said okay. HUH? they can't change their mind back n forth, that's why we HAVE laws in the first fracking place. but if they wanna make me a felon i'll be the best felon i can be. btw, the founders were felons too, so i'll die in good company.

    3. Here's a use for an AR pistol that you may not have considered, especially if you've never worked a cattle ranch. I would consider one to be the ultimate Ranch Rifle, perfect for pickup or quad, perfect for both two and four legged critters that are up to no good, perfect for putting a cow down that is in distress.

      There are no bad firearms, there are only bad people. If you're a good person this should be obvious to you.

    4. "There's no need..."


      Shall Not Be Infringed says you can shoot what you want. Want a 12 gauge revolver? Government says no, 2A says 'Fuck Yeah!'

      There's no need for me to have a gatling gun. Or a 75mm anti-tank gun. Or, fuck, one of those Ontos tanky things with 6 106mm recoilless rifles. But SNBI says "Go ahead, kid, if you can afford it."

    5. "There are no bad firearms"

      We respectfully disagree.
      - Jennings, Bryco, et al.

    6. As a disabled (actually disabled, not a fat Fudd) shooter, The AR pistol is easier for me to handle, given my situation, than a full length AR.

    7. Here's another use:

      Here it the great state of "Heil Whitmer" Michigan, I can legally carry an AR Pistol, loaded and concealed, in my vehicle whereas I cannot have a loaded rifle.


  4. "... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

    I dunno man, sounds like pretty plain fuckin English to me. Whats not to understand.
    The peoples right shall not be infringed. Tell the ATF to go suck a dick. They can re-interpret my left nut for 5 bucks.

    1. It terrifies me that "shall not" has been interpreted to mean "we certainly will prohibit in all of its penumbras and emanations." "bear arms" now means "may issue" ccw. If you are rich and connected only. The national ban on cherry bombs and m 80s is coming up fast in the rearview mirror. How do YOU interpret the "Explosives" at the end of ATF? HUH? Mentos in a bottle of soda?

    2. "The national ban on cherry bombs and m 80s is coming up fast in the rearview mirror."

      There will, of course, be a big carve out for Antifa/BLM/whomever the gummint favors

  5. Pass enough laws everyone is a criminal. Oh wait, thats in rearview mirror.

  6. Still proudly noncompliant, and always will be.


  7. Since the AFT is full of deep state commies, maybe they are just getting the paperwork all ready for Kameltoe to sign come January.

  8. If it ever happens I couldn't say fuck you enough.....or, in polite society, poop to that...

  9. The nanny state has now become a bad HMO "HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION" Tar and feathers maybe required.


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