
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Barrett Confirmation Means We’ll See If Gun Prohibitionists Were Right to Worry

U.S.A. – -( “Amy Coney Barrett Has Been Confirmed As Trump’s Third Supreme Court Justice,” BuzzFeed News reported Monday evening. “Barrett deepens the court’s conservative wing to 6–3.” 

 That’s why the Democrats and their media cheerleaders have been complaining to their followers that the confirmation vote should have been put off until after the election so that if Joe Biden wins, he’d get to nominate the replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsberg. That such a requirement appears nowhere in the Constitution hardly matters to them. Were delegated powers with checks and balances important to them, they would revere the ultimate check and balance on government abuses of all, the right of the people to keep and bear arms as mandated by the Second Amendment. 


  1. Now roberts vote matters less so he wont feel so much pressure to be the deciding vote.

    1. Now Roberts' vote matters less so he can be the lefty interpretationist that he is, rather than the originalist he said he was.

      Fuck Roberts, with a rusty chainsaw.

    2. robert's should step down. He is a disgrace to the whole Idea of Justice.

      I am sick and fucking tired of listening to these crybaby commies (dems) who bemoan that the GOP moved voting district lines around and that a GOP president can nominate a quasi conservative Justice for SCOTUS. Somehow the commies think only they can control Gerrymandering and choosing judges. I want to see them all gone. No more commies.

    3. roberts should step down..right after he reveals who has been blackmailing him.

  2. "That such a requirement appears nowhere in the Constitution hardly matters to them." Nor to the Republican congress that delayed Obama's nomination to THe SCOTUS for 8 months until after the election. People that live in glass houses...

    1. Lol. “Advice and Consent of the Senate” is clearly written in the Constitution.
      The Senate didn’t give it...fuck Barry

  3. We should know in 6 months or so if she is a sellout.

    1. I'd bet she is. She has kids to threaten, after all.

    2. More likely "how much of a sellout". She was appointed by a Republican president - they have a pretty high failure rate.

  4. I was surprised that the Republicans had the guts to play hardball politics that the Demoncrats have been doing for years. Both parties are being hypoctical from 206 to now. But that's the advantage of having the senate.

  5. Or maybe it wasn't hardball if they were told she is acceptable to us just like roberts


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