
Friday, October 09, 2020

The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place

In a recent poll, 61 % of Americans said we’re on the verge of civil war. What’s coming is cataclysmic, but there are better ways to describe it. Instead of civil war, think revolution. 

Some believed the proletarian revolution was coming in the 1930s, during the Great Depression – others, during the rise of the New Left in the 1960s. 

But they were only sparks that never ignited. 

What was kindled decades ago, now has burst into flames. 


  1. Well everything is in place to go hot, whether it does or not is anyone's guess. The left has gone totally insane and are looking for a fight, the right is fed up with the leftist bullshit, the few in the middle better figure out quick which side they're willing to did with.

  2. Forget "Got ammo?" We're going to get to "Got bayonet?" & "Got rope?"
    To misquote the movie NINOTCHKA "There will be fewer but better Americans."

  3. to repost a comment I agree with:
    Indeed we are. Yesterday I heard some one on the radio say the following, "The left has it's ducks all lined up in a row and is just waiting for the go signal to commit mass slaughter, while the right is waiting to for it's opponents to hand over documents that have already been shredded."

  4. It can't go hot. America is not Europe. We don't have a hereditary aristocracy to overthrow. We don't have a downtrodden peasant class to mobilize. People still come here by the millions because this is the best deal going and everyone knows it. Self serving neo-communists can't change those facts no matter how hard they try. Marxism only ever caught on here among the children of the rich who weren't content to wait for their parents to die before they could inherit. In america, communism was never anything more than a cynical self-serving path to wealth for people who literally have nothing to offer to make society better.


    1. It doesn't take huge percentages of a population to convert a country to a totalitarian system. Historically speaking, it only takes about 10% committed to an ideology to institutionalize it.

    2. The Hereditary Aristocracy is pretty much the Democrat Left: Clintons, Kennedys, the inbreeding going on in California with Pelosi, Schiff and the Soros bunch. Revolution is a strange animal, in once the first shot is fired (meaning when a significant public figure is killed), it doesn't stop until one side or the other is essentially exterminated. If it devolves to the first shot, the slaughter in the old Yugoslavia will look like a day in the park.

    3. The goal is not communism, nor Marxism. The three main goals are 1) to wield great power, 2) to humiliate specific ethnic and ethnoreligious groups[a], and 3) to become completely immune to criticism, backed by the full force of the law[b]. Battlespace prep began in the 1800's and really started to take off in the 20th century.

      By the 1950's the third goal was not yet clearly visible, but the groundwork had been laid, and in the 1960's it was irreversibly set into place. The first goal is well along, and the second goal (humiliation) happens every day. Did you have to attend a "Privilege and Sensitivity" class at work? Sign some document denouncing "racism" and supporting "diversity"? Did you see your kid rejected from the good college so that her place could be taken by someone with far inferior academic potential and performance, but had the correct victimhood points? Did you not speak out against someone acting like a savage in a public place, because they had the correct victimhood and you didn't? Does your church have a "BLM" sign out front? The goal is to destroy your sense of community (whites must not be allowed community; everyone else is encouraged to "take pride in their heritage"), to blight the futures of your children, to corrupt what you hold sacred, to make you ashamed and miserable and fearful.

      [a] Whites, especially those from (formerly) majority-Protestant nations must be humiliated, kept in their place, lest they realize that they build the best societies (for everyone, not just whites). Also, they must never be allowed to realize that their masters need them to survive, not the other way around.
      [b] Hate Crime and Hate Speech, baby! AKA "Noticing is a crime."

  5. I haven't seen any flames around Cincinnati. Haven't heard of any either.

  6. Whatever happens won’t happen in rural areas, we’re too busy with everyday life to worry about our liberal neighbors. I expect there to be massive riots in the cities after President Trump wins in a landslide. Martial Law in major cities is coming, stay out of those hell holes.

    1. And guess where those city folks are going to go to get away from it? They will flood the countryside with refugees. Not all refugees will be friendly, just looking for a place to rest their head, either.


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