
Friday, October 30, 2020

The Five Dimensions of Rush Limbaugh

Radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh’s familiar quip of being “your host for life” has a sobering new meaning as he battles -- and seems to be losing -- his ten-month struggle against lung cancer. 

I began listening to Rush within days or so of the launching of his national program in August of 1988. Three decades of listening prompts me to view him from five dimensions: as a pioneering radio guy, a brilliant social commentator, a maligned conservative, a sterling professional, and a major figure in American history. 


  1. I remember first seeing him when I worked at Lockheed in the late 80's, first talk show that I could actually listen to without pulling my hair out. I hope that he beats this bastard cancer!

  2. I have listened for years when the time is right someone else will step into that light. It seams the conservative, constitutional side has many more tough people working to guide the change then the left. The left wants to make change happen but it's the change they want and will not take hold. The invisible hand of social interaction is something that the left does not understand,they can't feel the flow of life so they blindly try to make it work for themselves and when they let go it snaps back like a big rubber band. That the reason why they can't let go.

    1. "The left wants to make change happen but it's the change they want and will not take hold."

      They've been marching from victory to victory since WWII, with only the occasional marginal setback. To borrow from Patton, their change isn't holding - it's advancing.

  3. I started listening to Rush when Clinton was running for President. I thought he was arrogant when claiming to be 99.7% accurate. Then I figured he was doing that to troll the Democrats and he press (same thing).

    My sister was a flaming liberal at the time. But she had long drives each day in New Mexico and the only station she could get was an AM station carrying Rush. She divorced her ex (he is now a Communist, for real) partly over politics. He detested Rush. She adores him and votes straight conservative now.

    There are very few public figures I look up to but Rush (and the President) are at the top of my list. They are fighters fighting the good cause for our American way of life. We are blessed to have these champions of liberty.

    When Rush passes there will be a void no one can fill. There will never be another one with the personality and charisma of Rush Limbaugh. I wish him the best in his final days but if anyone could fight their way out of this it’s him. Fight on, brother!

  4. Started listening to Rush in '92 driving through that communist state, Virginia.....I actually thought it was Bill Clinton when I first tuned in and I couldn't believe slick willy was actually saying those things....when I found out it was Rush I was forever a fan....

  5. Sad that VOTUS has cancer. Listening to his radio program is what made realize that I was Conservative and I switched parties.

  6. Best wishes Rush, no matter how it turns out.
    Also RIP to Sean Connery, condolences to the family

  7. I listen to him daily on a local radio station feed. It's hilarious! Standup Comedy for Republicans!! :^)

  8. I found Rush in about April of 1989, so pretty early in his career. It was so strange to hear someone say out lout so many things that I thought only I believed. Loved his humor, I loved his "tied one half my brain behind my back just to make it fair" line. Listened for years but moved away from him because I like the format where the host takes more callers. But Rush will always be the mentor for every host that ever follows him on talk radio. Long live Rush!

  9. Rush's love of sports would have also made him a success in sports management; he was with the KC Royals for a couple of years, but as the ever restless kind of person he moved on. Always interesting, though like so many other talkers his program has more commercial time than I want to sit through.


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