
Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Left: Biden Had Better Win or the Country Gets It! Weeks of Riots Threatened

It looks like the 130 nights of looting, rioting, and hell in downtown Portland were just a prelude to the kind of fury the Left will unleash if Joe Biden isn’t elected on November 3. The Resistance has promised a violent, nationwide hissy fit because “Trump must go. It’s as simple as that.” 


  1. And if you think Antifa and BLM will stop after Biden wins was dumb enough to vote for Biden.

  2. The looting and burning are nothing but right wing extremists taking advantage of the division and chaows unleashed by The Great Orange Turd in what is now the Dark House.

    PJ Media... Fake News. PERIOD.

    1. And here I thought it was the Dark House during the previous presidency.

      Thank you for setting us all straight.

    2. Hey moron, learn how to spell. Bet Anonymous can not state what a "right wing extremist" is, without using the words Nazi or racist.

    3. Fuck off...this is where us like minded folk go to get away from you liberal fuckers.

    4. Oh look, there's a step ant, somebody piss on it....

      Tim in AK

    5. Wirecutter,
      Thank you for letting that post. Ole fella up there is part of the entertainment.
      It was Luther (Martin Luther, German reformer) that told us, "The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to the texts of Scripture, it to jeer and flout him. He cannot bear scorn or ridicule."
      Still, the best way to deal with these fools is to jeer and mock them. They often do the work for us by opening their word holes.
      -Just A Chemist

    6. "It was Luther (Martin Luther, German reformer) that told us, "The best way to drive out the devil, if he will not yield to the texts of Scripture, it to jeer and flout him. He cannot bear scorn or ridicule.""

      Burning at the stake works pretty well, too.
      - Torquemada

  3. I've been talking to a bunch of people I know, some of whom are cops, about what the left has planned after the election.
    If the commies are stupid enough to bring that shit here you'll probably see a big splash on the news about a massacre.

    1. Incorrect. The Democrats did not have their anti-lead vaccine fully developed. Trump failed to provide this antibody which would have been vital to the survival of Anti Fa and BLM - it will be Trump's fault.
      Shame. I feel shame.

      Check out the new chew toy I bought for my dog.

  4. After reading articles and watching various clips of the Hunter Biden scandal over the last couple of weeks, I just don't understand how any thinking American can vote for Joe. The guy is a crooked as a three dollar bill. I guess 47 years at the .gov trough really does corrupt some people. He and the rest of his family need to spend the rest of their lives in jail, right alongside the entire upper echelon of the Obama administration, except the ones that committed treason, like Joe and Hitlery. They need to be hung on live TV with no screen in front of the gallows so that the entire world can witness their bugged out eyes and tongue after the drop and quarter turn to the right.

    What'll really be a hoot is watching Moochelle turning tricks in the street so that she can eat. I hope I live to see the day...

    1. It is simply beyond explanation. I was speaking with a friend on mine of thirty years last week about the troubles a mutual friend of ours - who's a cop - has been having since the "summer of love" has started. She launched into me with "You have no idea what these people go through every day!", as well as, "Things are different for them!" meaning blacks. This is a woman who comes from a fairly sheltered existence, so I asked her, "When was the last time you had any interaction with the type of people Rod has to deal with?" Naturally she got very defensive and went off on another paroxysm, telling me, "You supporters of his, I won't even say his name! You're all are going to get what's coming to you after the election!" This really shocked me because this woman has a background in engineering and among our circle of friends, she's always been one of the more level-headed people, so I called her out on the comment and she muttered, "Forget it, I don't want to talk about it! You people brought this on yourselves, what's going to happen! You'll see after the election!" So yes, that's probably going to be the last conversation I have with her, oh well. But the point Anonymous made about "He can't understand how anyone can vote for Biden." I agree, but the story I gave above is a perfect example of an otherwise rational-thinking adult, who has become mentally unhinged and for no apparent reason. Why? I really couldn't tell you.

  5. You may have as easy a time this go round leftists. People are past sick of your shit.

  6. I think we all have been anticipating this - very few guns and little ammo left to buy. Could get interesting.

    Stocked up on diesel for the tractor and 12 five gallon cans of gas for the generators. Extra batteries for the ham radio, plenty of food in the freezer and walking in the nearby woods. Will share with other nearby Patriots if needed.

  7. They really haven't thought this through.

  8. Probable rhetorical...but is there ever a point where they might self-reflect on their own perception of self-righteousness? Lets say Trump sweeps the votes...will they ever consider that the media has been lying to them? That the perceptions they have are simply the result of an echo chamber of a few people regurgitating the same opinions back and forth?

    1. No.
      They never will.
      Thats the problem. Thats why there will be a war. They will not stop, will not accept a loss.

    2. There are still too many folks buying the MSM view that there is no hunter biden scandal, Trump is all bad, done nothing good, destroying the nation with his hate and joe's OK. My neighborhood, which only had 2-3 democrat signs in 2016 now has a lot more democratic signs. I've also noticed more of a tendency to post local and state candidates without a presidential sign.

  9. And it will be Kristallnacht for the opposition if Bidden should win.

  10. These assclowns have a website called “”. It’s got the names and addresses of everyone who’s donated to Trumps campaign. My wife’s name and our address are on that site from a donation she made in 2016. To say I’m a little disappointed that my address has been doxed by these communist cocksuckers so their KKK blm Antifa night riders can cause me and mine harm would be a gross understatement. I’m not scared, but I am more than a little pissed. At this particular juncture, I hope they try something. I’m under no illusion I’ll come through clean or whole. Too bad they’ve been allowed to believe they will. Eod1sg Ret

  11. They're serious, folks.

  12. If the police need any help a 100 million gun owners are willing to lend a hand if needed.

    1. Uh, so far the police have largely been on the other side, and about half of those gun owners are on the other side, too.

  13. I won't go to the fight, but I am prepared if the fight comes to me. Unless the government becomes so tyrannical that it is time to hang the bastards, as the saying goes. Then, I will have to decide if all patriots need to be in DC or if we are also needed in our home states. Being in Michigan, I suspect that I will be needed in Lansing. The Empress there is talking about shutting down the state again. I guess that our state Supreme Court decision shutting her down makes no difference to her.


  14. Some of us have been training all our lives for this.

  15. A target rich environment for those of us who are just tired of these lame ass motherfuckers...

  16. Give me 5 good reasons to vote for Biden without mentioning Trump. I double-dog dare 'ya!

    1. I can easily name 5 without Trump, but I can't give you 5 that don't involve Biden's unintentional comedy potential. Hell, I can't even give you 1 of those.

  17. It's incomprehensible that a semen-slurping, cum-belching, soy-boy, gender-confused,goatsie-wannabe, pronoun-announcing, permanently offended sissy boy/ree-screaming faggot could hang around this blog long enough to screech "his" deluded feminine pronouncements but there you go. I thought I had seen everything after seeing Hunter Biden fucking Malia Obama in the ass after using her credit card to rake coke lines but this really takes the cake.



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