
Tuesday, October 06, 2020

The town of Swastika, NY chooses to keep its name

NEW YORK (NEXSTAR) — The town of Swastika, located in upstate New York, voted this week to keep its controversial name arguing it is not connected with the Nazi hate symbol. 

 According to CNN, the group with domain over the town’s name voted unanimously to keep Swastika arguing founders named it after a Sanskrit word that means “well-being.” 


  1. When my dad was young he caddied at a golf course. He was given a hickory shafted, Marvel Mid Iron with a swastika stamped on the bottom as a tip. Ironically, he received it from an old, Jewish gentleman. I still have it in my antique golf club collection......

    1. Please don't let the left know where you live, or if you do, make sure you have plenty of ammo.

  2. Good for them. I hate people that bow to the "political correctness" police. Do you hear that former Washington Redskins? Cleveland Indians (Long Live Chief Wahoo)?

  3. Replies
    1. You're not helping things any.

    2. Hey SgtBob, it's bogsidebunny commenting, what would possibly make you think he wants to help things any?

  4. Frpom the article: "The name-change request was submitted by a cyclist from New York City who often rode through the area."

    So, a NON-RESIDENT was "offended" by the town's name. The response should have been RIDE SOMEWHERE ELSE ASSHOLE, instead of spending money on a referendum.

    Fookin snow flakes STILL trying to dictate how everyone else should live.


    1. It figures it'd be someone from New York City.

    2. Maybe someone should shove a broom handle through the cyclist's spokes next time he rides through and then tell him to stay the fuck out of their town.

  5. My Aunt was the director of a girl's group in 1931 called the Swastika Melody Girls,5576030&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj73pmVwoLsAhVxFzQIHWQsC1IQ6AEwAXoECAAQAg#v=onepage&q=Swastika%20Melody%20Girls%20Swingle&f=false
    For 30 years, my high school yearbook was called The Swastika before it was named Shawnee in 1942.

  6. "So the effect was just jarring and profoundly, I thought, disrespectful," [Alcamo] said, especially to the veterans of World War II with graves nearby. "I think it should be obvious that the town should update its name and should pick a name that is not so offensive to so many Americans and so emblematic of intolerance, hate and tyranny," he said.

    Yeah, I'm sure the first thing that went through Alcamo's head was how it was offensive to veterans. People like Alcamo are contemptible assholes without honor or decency. If you're offended, have the balls to say you're offended. Don't you fucking presume to speak out "on behalf" of people who never asked for you to stick your nose in, and can't defend themselves because they're dead.

    This is both a matter of general principle and personal for me. When my grandmother, a devout Buddhist, died, we wanted to put the Buddhist swastika on her grave marker. But we were afraid to, because some assholes would doubtless get offended and demand its removal. And probably sue us for good measure. (The commonly-used Buddhist symbol "points" in the opposite direction from the Nazi version, but try telling that to the professionally offended. The professionally offended also are trying to get the Japanese to stop using the symbol, which is also called a "manji". The manji is commonly used on Japanese maps to denote a religious center, just like we'd mark a cross on a map.)

    You want neo-Nazis, Alcamo? Because this is how you get neo-Nazis. Not because people want to be Nazis (who were assholes) but because it starts to seem like nothing is too high a price to pay to rid society of self-righteous professional whiners who fuck up everything they touch.

    1. So what you're saying, Mike_C, is that you feel like complaining now because you and your family bowed to leftists, libtards, and other whiners out of fear?

    2. Where did you get that? I took it to mean that it wasn't placed because they didn't want his grandmother's grave to be desecrated.

    3. I prefer Kenny's take, but it's a free country (for values of "free") -- interpret however you want, Anonymous.

  7. a quick search shows there's a small town in Northern Ontario Canada named Swastika as well.

  8. Well, that's certainly heartening news!
    - The Town Council of Doublesigrune, NY


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