
Friday, October 30, 2020

They don't have anything better to waste their time on?

KINGS BEACH (CBS13) — A Tahoe street name that many consider racist will be changed. 

The Placer County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to rename “Coon Street” in Kings Beach to “Raccoon Street.” It was named in 1926. According to county records, the streets running north to south in the subdivision were given animal names such as Fox, Bear and Deer, while the streets running east to west were named after fish like Rainbow, Golden and Steelhead. 


Let's see, shows King's Beach has a population of 3796 souls from the 2010 census and out of that, there's a whopping three blacks in the entire town.


  1. No blacks, but did you see the 'hispanic' count? And judging from my county's jail booking reports most of them are illegals.
    Which leads me to believe that if there's a Coyote Street in Kings Beach they'll be renaming that one soon too.

  2. Name it in honor of an endangered Borneo simian: Baboon Boulevard.

    1. or they could go with George Floyd Avenue and pass out free $20 bills.

  3. Reminds me of Jerry Clowers story about the coon hunting monkey . He looked like folk !

  4. May I humbly suggest Niggardly Way

  5. Fuck it, let's make a town where every street has a racist name. Flank coon street with cracker lane and wetback way.
    Cross streets will be honkey avenue, wop way and chink terrace.

    1. Don’t forget Kike Circle. (That would be a sort of pun, as one supposed origin of the term is a mispronunciation of the Yiddish term for circle, folklore having it that illiterates made an “X” at Ellis Island, but supposedly some illiterate Jews refused to make an X because it’s kind of a lazy cross, so they made a circle instead. I don’t buy it, but the story’s out there.)

      “Cracker Lane” — is that a comment about our host?

    2. I've been called worse before, Mike. Trust me on that.

    3. Although the etymology of kike is unknown, I can think of more than a dozen reasons why the folklore is almost certainly wrong. I've studied the history of Ellis Island extensively and the story doesn't fit the way any of the other slang and slurs that came from there developed.

      Besides which, even the poorest of the shtetl Jews were rarely illiterate.

  6. There is an intersection at Coon and Cutthroat in Kings Beach.


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