
Friday, October 02, 2020

What’s The Latest On A Second Payment Package?

(CBSNewYork) — Stimulus discussions are back on the table in Washington. Late last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin suggested they would soon continue talks about a possible second stimulus package. Such a package would almost certainly include another round of stimulus payments to individuals. 


  1. Like everyone else, I am torn on the idea of sending free money to everyone. I know that some people are in desperate need of it, and I don't begrudge them of the help. Part of what makes our country great is our willingness to help out our neighbor who is struggling. However, along with that desire to help others in need, we have to temper that with the knowledge that our nation is in dangerous debt, that is perhaps the greatest threat to our autonomy than any terrorist threat, or threat from another country, or a pandemic,or even an internal civil war. A nation that falls to bankruptcy is no better off than one that falls to guns and bombs from a large scale war. At least after a war, you can rebuild. After a bankruptcy, the fallout is worse than that of an atomic bomb, with people having no civil services such as water, reliable electricity, an unstable food delivery system, proper sanitation, which will kill many more people.
    If they do decide to send out stimulus checks, I will of course take mine, and cash it. As I am current on all bills, and have no debt, I will just put it in the bank. To do anything else, like refusing to take the money, or trying to return it, would be foolish.
    A much better plan would be to simply force all Covid 19 shutdowns and rules to just go away. Of course some people will contract the disease, and of those, perhaps many will die. But it pales in comparison to the amount of suffering that we are seeing from the total shutdown of our economy, which was the strongest it has ever been, in a time of relative peace. Remember, FDR only was able to bring America out of the Great Depression by manipulating us into WWII. For those who don't believe that, there is ample evidence that he did so on purpose, from everything like forcing Japan to wipe out Nanking, to ignoring sightings of incoming Japanese airplanes headed to Pearl Harbor. You can find it by doing your own research, it is a fascinating look into the mind of a true socialist, who would be hailed as a hero by today's Democrat party.
    At some point, the government, both the Democrats and the Republicans have to learn the lesson that you cannot solve all of America's problems simply by throwing money at them. If they don't learn that lesson on their own, they will be shown it, in a harsh and painful way,that might just cripple our economy and put people in breadlines. Things that they are doing now, like not allowing landlords to evict people for failure to pay rent sounds magnanimous, but in reality, it hurts the small businessman, who may only own 1 or 2 places, and counts on the rent to pay the mortgage on their units, as a hedge for their retirement. Without the rent coming in,they cannot pay the mortgage, and since they are not living there, banks are not going to be willing to simply forgive them the payments. Plus, after the renters are supposed to start paying rent again, they will already be behind in rent by however many months the government keeps this rule in place. So if they don't have to pay their 1K$ per month in rent, over 5 months,then they have to start paying again, they are already 5k$ in the hole, plus they have to pay the 1k$ per month. How are they supposed to catch that back up? Is it fair to make the landlord eat that 5k$? That puts him or her behind in their mortgage, if they have one.
    Taken as a whole, you could easily see that the reaction to the coronavirus was overblown and has been used by the Democrats to kill the biggest advantage that president Trump had going for him,the economy. Just like George H.W.Bush, who had approval ratings in the early months of his last year in office in the 90% range, due to the success of the 1st Gulf War, but lost the election, due to the poor economy, to Bill Clinton, it's the economy,stupid.


    1. Unfortunately you are preaching to the Choir. The Folks who should read and follow this will never do it.

  2. I'm a mooch still living in the back room and I was first in line for stimulus, yet my parents apparently got nothing. The FIAT dollar can't handle anymore freebies.


  3. And how the Fuck can we afford this!?! Yeah I know and so will you come April 15 2021!

  4. Already got my notice that I'll have to claim this "stimulus" on my taxes this year. I really can't afford any more stimulus.


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