
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Why, you poor thing!



  1. Why is he wasting his time even talking to this stupid bitch? She aint worth even a short conversation.

  2. I work at a small college in Western IL. I have direct association with our campus security and campus police staff. They take pains, to be polite and informative, under all circumstances. And ignorant kids/young adults, as alllll us older folks know, are a challenge...
    Politely put!
    THIS VIDEO... shows just that.
    Officer, is wet, getting wetter, in the rain... He has my respect first off! Ah the joys of employment :)-
    Girlie... ID = NO... ID = Yes... HA HA hahahaha... Stoopid :)-
    My other SUPER favorite: I can't UN ARREST You... Bahaha! WELL SAID!
    Ah well, she learned some things, maybe... At the least, do consider "Courage of your convictions!" no/yes pun intended!

    1. Yep. When the cop says those magic words "You're under arrest" you're going to the station house for booking.

      I just want to know who died and made this little snowflake Queen of Fucking Everything.

  3. Dough Boy Officer needs to lose thirty pounds and get back in the Gym. I swear the only reason he's still in Law Enforcement is because he's a Campus Cop were he out in the general population he'd be getting his butt kicked on every Bar disturbance call he went on.

    1. So stupid bitch breaks the , then the cop does his job and arrested her for it and all you have to say is about the cop being overweight ??? Ok two can play that game, you're a fucking dumbass that's probably also a fat ass.. See how that works dipshit.

    2. Well he isn't wrong, JD.


    3. Something you don't seem to understand about the economics of big universities: the lion's share of salary money goes first and foremost to the top administrators and the tenured professors, then on down the line, eventually hitting the lowest echelons of campus support-people like the University Police and the dining hall staffs. You get what you pay for, and things are heavily skewed at the top. The policeman did his job and did it well. If only the University President and all his large staff and the dozens of professors did their jobs half as well then things would be a whole lot better in higher education these days.

    4. Fairplayjeepguy, fair enough of a point. The cop is chubby, how much of that is his vest is unknown, but unless I'm mistaken the purpose of this video was to point out the obvious entitlement of this college student. Typical actions of lefties and liberals are to develop a new topic and point of focus, ie talking about the cop being overweight and never mentioning anything about the subject, the college student.... Now I don't know Leavon so I can't say it he/she is a POS leftist hack wanting to blame the cop but....... I stand by my comment.
      Have a great day and go vote...

  4. Is it too much to hope that she's learned a valuable lesson here.... yes, it is. Liberalism is a mental disorder, she'll just be more stealthy next time.

  5. Typical. First asked if she has ID and lies. Second time asked, and says yes. She is why every cop expects to be lied to. "Women have such a hard time getting abortions in North Carolina"? Is she living in 1965?


  6. I think she is offering a Kamala at 3:25
    No luck.

  7. Ignorant twit wearing a UNC sweatshirt. That says it all.

  8. Its the little things in life that can bring a smile to one’s face...
    “Is there anything I can do?”
    (= how about a bj officer? For womens rights of course...)

  9. “Is there something else I can do” ?
    Well you could get down on your
    knees and give me a blow job !

  10. I want every school that trains LEO's to be renamed in his honor.

  11. I was going to give it back? Lmfao. Poor little can't got a hard dose of reality

  12. And another ugly liberal bites the dust. This video fancied my tickle.

  13. People like that give me an urge to cave their fucking face in.

  14. The only thing I would have loved the officer to have said, in response to her right to getting an abortion, is the sign holder's 1st amendment rights to peaceful protest. And to tell her she would be lucky if the DA did not choose to prosecute her on attempting to violate their civil rights. The sad thing is, she seems like a cute, well spoken, intelligent young lady, who had a future, if she was not such a liberal idiot.
    If Roe v Wade were ever overturned, which is not very likely, the only thing that would happen is that the states would have their choice as to how to handle abortions. And you know that there are over a dozen liberal states that would not outlaw abortions, including my home state of Michigan. Personally I hate abortion,except to save the life of the mother, which I can justify Biblically as self defense.


  15. I love it.....i'm emotionally erect right now !!!

  16. I wouldn't worry about her too much. Daddy's lawyer probably had her back on the street before the rain stopped.

  17. Now for the big question, did the district attorney prosecute the case and was she convicted?
    Too often the police are wasting their time because of the woke DA's put in place by Soros dollars.

  18. proof that the enemy lives among us. later on she'll be gainfully employed as a Purifier for the department of political purity

  19. Pigpen, she may be cute, and she speaks, but she is not intelligent. She has the mental development of a five year old, changing her story again and again in order to evade consequences. She has evidently been allowed to get her way often enough that she does not believe any consequences will occur. In the very beginning, she was working herself up to a good shrieking tantrum, until the officer defused her.

    Watching the officer was interesting. He only 'detained' her at first, he asked her the same question multiple times, very calm until the very end. She didn't get the big drama that she was hoping for, but she has a chance to learn a lesson.


    1. TOL, you do realize, don't you, the young snowflake was missing out on her mid-morning $5 latte?

    2. Oh, friend....if that spoiled brat was our Southern friends say, I would have worn her behind out. She would also know the value of a home percolator and a good thermos.

      But, yeah...we have to allow for her personal misfortunes....


  20. if you get arrested
    that arrest is recorded in the NCIC
    but the disposition of the case is not
    and if you ever find yourself in a situation where you might talk your way out of it
    that prior arrest will be hanging there on the computer screen, and try to explain that away

    don't get arrested if you can avoid it.

  21. I like that: "he is restricting women's rights". Well lady (or not) you just tried restricting mens rights. So shove it.

    1. Maybe if she quit fucking negroes she wouldn't need to be getting abortions. Can't be bringing home niglets every year.

  22. Yey!! Smug little jerk... very professional police officer...that's training. Well done, officer.

  23. "So hard for women to get an abortion in North Carolina"...That's your argument, missy?

    I wonder if she knows how lucky she is that HER MOTHER carried her to full term and didn't abort her. There has got to be something seriously wrong upstairs in women who think abortion should be allowed, much less promoted and celebrated.

    1. Young women have been indoctrinated that anything less that hot and cold running abortion on demand is violence against them. Or some such shit.

      If you want to logically dial that back, sex outside of marriage has to be outside the norm, rather than promoted and celebrated. If society regards sex as simply an itch to be scratched, then everything society has built around it - dating/courting, what is and isn't acceptable (like masturbating during a Zoom meeting), marriage, the family unit, etc. - it's all going to fall down.

      There are a lot of good men and women who comment here. Other blogs draw men who see women as providers of sex, sammiches and washers of dishes, or women who just bitch about EVERYTHING....

      Families need fathers and mothers. Young women need their fathers to set the standard for men in their lives. If the father of the sorry little girl in the video above had taken her fishing, or hunting, or even camping and hiking? Or the mother had taught her the value of not giving yourself up for random sex? Probably a different story. She's looking for a tribe to belong to, and the leftists grab the young fools with open arms.


  24. There was a day when stuff like that could result in disenrollment of the student. If it were a guy and it was during the 1960's the guy's draft board would be notified withing 2 weeks of his losing his student status and his classification would likely go from 4S to 1A in a New York minute. I hope they they put her in a lockup for a couple hours until she had to take a piss into the little hole in the floor.

  25. I was especially impressed with the professionalism of the cop. He recognized the immaturity of the perpetrator, and with a soft, crooning voice... he reassured her. He kept her from blowing her top, which is a tremendous skill when working with The Communists.

    Great Job, Officer!

  26. So living in Dad's basement watching Family Guy and South Park masturbating with chickens didn't teach about white privilege?


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