
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Your Tuesday Morning Florida Report

The mother of a student at Audubon Elementary on Merritt Island was issued a trespass warning from the school last week after an emotionally charged incident she said resulted when the school “lost” her first-grade daughter — twice, News 6 partner Florida Today reported. 

The principal said the school made mistakes but that the child was never lost, and 29-year-old Kayla Magnuson was issued a trespass warning by a Brevard County deputy after threatening the school. 


  1. Bullshit. Physical presence has been reduced in schools here in Florida; ergo, the teacher had fewer children to monitor. This was not the first oopsie involving her child. Had it been my child I would go postal, too.

  2. This really highlights one of the issues we are all facing. FWIW, I didn't read the article, however:
    When did tax payer funded organizations become authoritarian figures?

    Doesn't the school district work FOR the residents of said district? Salary paid by taxation of said residents? Does that not make the taxpayer the employer, the school the employee? Would ANY industry ANYWHERE tolerate insubordination of this level?
    Police depts get their funding where?
    Hospitals sponsored by whom?

    I'm sorry, but if I've entrusted you with my chold, and you cannot produce them on demand any moment I request it, tresspassing is going to be the LEAST of your concerns!

    How is it we as a society tolerate this kind of treatment from OUR EMPLOYEES?!?!?

    1. "How is it we as a society tolerate this kind of treatment from OUR EMPLOYEES?!?!?"

      Because for decades now, if not longer, they have been overlords, not employers. It's always easy to hand over power incrementally, because it's convenient. Add in the courts and bureaucrats expanding power on a continuing basis, and very shortly, the relationship has completely changed. In the beginning, there is at least the notion that the system works for the populace, but soon enough, the populace finds out that it's working for the system.

    2. Death of the Republic, man. From free men who voluntary consent to the governance of freely-elected "servant masters" to serfs who are occasionally allowed the illusion of freedom by an increasingly alien class of self-appointed "elite" overlords who see us as sheep and deplorable fools. Plump, well-fed serfs distracted by electronic gadgets and "free" pornography, but serfs nonetheless.

  3. Probably should of called child services or the local equivalent and reported a missing child or abused child being hidden, or the police and reported a kidnapping.

  4. I thank God that my kids are all out of school. With all of the Covid LARPing, the Marxist indoctrination, and the over-sexualization of children that goes on in public schools today, I don't understand why any parents have their children in public school.

    Oh, and the courts have already established that while your kids are in school, the child is legally theirs. From the time you send them to school until the time that the school decides to send them home, your kid is theirs, not yours. They legally get to make medical choices and don't have to get your consent first.

    Here's another tidbit: schools are starting to ask parents to put together overnight bags for students, to be kept at school "in case there is an emergency and the kids need to be kept overnight."

    Take your kids out of public schools people. Your job, your mortgage, and your standard of living don't justify handing your kids over to the state to be psychologically damaged.


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