
Saturday, November 07, 2020

Biden declared winner

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump to become the 46th president of the United States on Saturday, positioning himself to lead a nation gripped by the historic pandemic and a confluence of economic and social turmoil. 

His victory came after more than three days of uncertainty as election officials sorted through a surge of mail-in votes that delayed the processing of some ballots. Biden crossed 270 Electoral College votes with a win in Pennsylvania. 


  1. I don't understand how that is possible at all. Biden speeched to his tens. Mr. Trump speeched to his thousands. We need a re-election.

  2. Today is national load your fucking mags day? Nope, they've been loaded.
    But you knew that already....

  3. "The media declared" or "The media projects" doesn't mean shit. This is just more propaganda, trying to steer the narrative before things have been settled in the courts.

    1. That's exactly right. Fuck the media. They all make tons of $$ and live on the coasts. And fuck biden too. Not my president, and by any means necessary. It goes both ways you liberal motherfuckers. And, do not use social media if you have, stop right the fuck now. Local, local, local.

    2. "before things have been settled in the courts"

      Pretty sure that the courts, which are a branch of the government, will rule in favor of the guy who has been part of the government for almost 50 years, and was the candidate of the party of government.

  4. Ya know..... Mister Gore was afforded what, some 40 days of legal challenges? With the glitchy software, verified dead people voting, and verified voter fraud in Nevada, they sure seem anxious to declare the Democrat candidate the victor and build momentum.

  5. I thought you didn't do Saturday posts? Besides those two will never be my president.

    1. When I started taking Saturdays off, I said I wouldn't post unless there was something really newsworthy. I think this qualifies.

  6. Nothing has been decided in spite of what "media outlets" might spew forth. Looks like the dems have been using NSA-developed software against us to skew the election results.

  7. Load em while you can. Commielea Harris will soon be the prez and she will get your guns and all things related.

    1. Bitch better be wearing gloves. My barrel is going to be mighty hot.

    2. Our actual conservative majority Supreme Court may have something to say about that. Hopefully a once-and-for-all for generations something to say about the Second.

  8. I'm a Christian. I've taken the Lords name in vain more in the last two weeks than in my previous 65 years. You would have to have mush for brains to not realize this was a fraudulent election.

  9. This is third world banana republic fuckery. The slobbering press just makes it that much worse.


  10. So the communist takeover is in full swing, remember what the last 3 1/2 years have been like. Well Slo Joe hasn't won shit and is NOT the president.
    Kill a commie for mommy.

    1. "So the communist takeover is in full swing"

      Guess that means that Joe will get Kirov'ed. Makes sense, really. If they clip him, they don't have to deal with his doddering ass fighting them on the 25th Amendment, plus they can wave the bloody shirt to push through a bunch of legislation that "Joe would have wanted!" and blame the death on some "white supremacist" and use that as a basis for all sorts of social tinkering.

  11. …those seeds of the wind they are sowing will bear them a bitter fruit indeed.....where are all the firearms and ammo that Obama bought for every federal department?.....we need an audit. This voter fraud will not stand and patriotic Americans will not let this go....

    1. "where are all the firearms and ammo that Obama bought for every federal department?.....we need an audit."

      No need, I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

      "This voter fraud will not stand and patriotic Americans will not let this go"

      Yes, it will, and yes, they will, too.
      John F. Kennedy, January 20, 1961

  12. ...all ready been mentioned... mine have been loaded...

  13. Mike Vanderbaugh and Remus must be spinning like tops, God rest their souls.


  14. And Apparatchik Press is the first to declare Biden the winner. What are the odds.

  15. They are making lists of Trump supporters...

  16. Replies
    1. Hey Skipperdaddy, Thats my line!!!! Been using that one for a few days now. But I use quotation marks.

    2. Didnt mean to steal your thunder, song just came to mind. Its time brother....

  17. Funny, what ever direction grandpa grops wants to take this country, ahhh I ain’t going.

    “Let the bodies hit the floor”.

  18. And here I thought electors pick the president.

  19. I will not be ruled by pedophiles and pedovores
    Steve in Ky

    1. Same.
      Matt in KY.

    2. "I will not be ruled by pedophiles and pedovores"

      Unless you were born after Clinton left office, or you have a time machine to go back and get rid of him before he got elected, you already have been.

  20. Everyone needs to take a deep breath and relax. The media does not have the authority to declare Joe Biden the winner of the election. The SCOTUS was already involved in the PA counting. Suits were already filed in MI & WI. A few other states are likely to be contested in court also. Recounts WILL happen, hopefully under federal supervision. None of the media's lies can make these things go away, stop, or not happen.

    Again - the mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the DNC, does NOT have the authority to declare a winner. As of 11/7, Joe Biden is NOT the President Elect.

  21. Regarding the current climate, go check out this short story:

  22. Don't forget to functional test all those mags. You always want a gun you know works with a magazine you know works and is full. Shit breaks and always at the worst possible moment. One thing about Firearms and other outdoor gear. If you want to find out what is wrong with it take it out and use it.

    The saddest part of this whole thing is that the election was close enough for the democrats to cheat their way to a win when they should have been laughed off the ticket.

    1. The true, legal election wasn't anywhere near close. Trump has 80% of the popular vote and 381 electoral votes. Those are actual valid votes. And this week Trump will prove up those numbers. Be prepared for all kinds of strange events unfolding. We are going to have a 10 day shutdown, around the world, all internet, TV etc, while some arrests are happening.

    2. Although it is indeed sad that so many are so lost, so far gone, the truth is that the election wasn't actually all that close. Trump won in a landslide. It's simply that the volume of cheating is of such epic proportions that it's hard to wrap one's head around the sheer scope of it.

  23. You just watch... it'll be President Harris as soon as TPTB figure they can get away with it.

  24. yeah i got em loaded...and a new toy to run em thru. broke down a got myself a mech tec CCU for that essex 1911 lower i had layin around. what effin fun !!!

  25. Fuck them. Ain't gonna happen.

  26. Well it wont be just the interns wearing knee pads in the oval office now.

  27. Biden said everybody should cool off and give ourselves a break. . . Before Trump EVER took his oath of office, the Dems said they were going to impeach him. Well, fuck what Biden says. I'm not going to give the Democrats one iota of sympathy or a break. Those fuckers and their supporters burned our cities, killed our police and spat in their faces. NO. MORE. I'm going to start acting like those mofos and quit being so GD nice and decent and respectful to them. F them all! And for all of you FBI or ATF Mofo's reading this, F you too!

  28. You all seemed happy for Trump to call the election in his favour and demand the count to be stopped once the ballot was stopped when he thought he was going to win.
    Listen to yourselves!
    Trump is just a sore loser and a rabble rouser without a shred of dignity.

    1. Regardless of which candidate you are for, there is no way anyone with two fucking brain cells to rub together could believe that this was a fair election. This ends well for no one in America, except some of the elites. The politicians will be facing the same firing squads as every other dissenter. So keep on pounding that Dem vs Rep bullshit all the way to the boxcars. I’m sure it will work out just fine. In the words of Red Foreman, “Dumbass”

    2. ...says the guy with no name. Pussy.

    3. Anon you are one POS. You must watch CNN all day to hate Trump as much as you do. Either that or you are another moron commie. This whole event has very little to do with Trump or Biden. This is a war between Good and Evil (evil being the globalists and their lackeys, the democrats). You need to either find out what is really happening or sit down and STFU

  29. Hey Anonymous November 8, 2020 at 1:38 AM FUCK YOU

  30. Sore Loser ?
    No, Donald Trump is still the elected president until at least jan 20, and likely even beyond.
    so shred on that moron.

  31. To starve the best you have to get rid of your television. No add revenue no adds and no network.

  32. If you were playing poker with the Democrat vote "counters", you would show a winning hand, but then even after all of the hands were revealed, the Dems would still keep drawing cards until they could show a better hand than yours. But of course, in the "wild west" days, if you cheated at poker, you would get shot and killed. We need to apply that same standard to the modern-day vote-count cheaters!

    Rusty W

  33. No. the press is doing battle field prep. the courts will decide and the press will howl about how the "peoples will" was subverted. Long game shows the courts being sidelined. Even if Trump wins, and he should, they will try this again and again and again.

    1. Uhh, no, as we read this, globalists and deep staters and other criminals are being arrested. Soon, there is going to be a 10 day world wide black out and we are going to learn about many globalist elites were arrested, tried and executed. After Trump gets all his work done with the commies, there shouldn't be any commies left.

  34. not so fast.....


    1. You and your video are spot on. DITTO Anon


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