
Monday, November 09, 2020

Bite me

Fox News host Laura Ingraham has said Donald Trump should accept 'the unfavorable outcome' of the election with 'grace and composure', as several of Rupert Murdoch's right-wing news outlets shifted tone to prepare for the president's defeat. 

Ingraham appeared to send Trump advice Friday night to bow out of the White House race gracefully in order to preserve his 'legacy' and focus on 'moving the country forward'. 

The anchor, who has long backed Trump, admitted his defeat would be a 'gut punch' before insisting she was 'not conceding anything tonight'. 


I never could stand the sound of her voice anyways. To me, it's like the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.


  1. As every day passes we find that Fox News should be renamed the Judas Iscariot Network.

    1. FauxNews has always been controlled opposition. They always seem to be in favor of another country's interest, though, so there's that.

    2. That's pretty unfair to Judas. He at least felt guilty about his betrayal.

  2. I didn't see this, but does Laura mean accept the outcome TODAY, or does she mean Trump should accept the outcome when it's decided by SCOTUS and the EC voting for a new POTUS? This is like the definition of "is." What was her meaning?

    1. Her meaning was.... fox corporate has handed down the tone and direction we are all going to take. orange man bad, election honest. Move on

      Got it?

  3. She’s just trying to suck up to her new bosses at Fox. She saw what happened to Judge Jeanine. And yea her voice is like boiling rabbits.

  4. I never could stand Laura Ingraham. Her voice grates on me and she is the worst interviewer in the world.
    What clinched my dislike of her was an interview she did with Michelle Malkin several years ago. Ingraham would ask Michelle a question and then she wouldn't shut up long enough to let her answer.

  5. She like most on FAUX news are nothing but talking heads selling themselves to the money of the corrupt globalist. Fuck her and the rest of those sold out bastards. I watch Tucker and Greg Gutfeld on line on a non FAUX site.
    Trump wins again
    MAGA 2020 bitches

  6. She seems to forget a basic trait of Donald Trump- He fights. He doesn't take a swing at him and not swing back. That's one of the reasons we hired him.

  7. Why are these talking heads not admitting that when Trump leaves office, the Leftists are going to try and destroy him? The leftists have already stated that they are going to destroy him and his family at the first opportunity, so surrendering now is one of the most foolish things Trump can do.

    And Ingraham says he should just concede... There are easier ways for Trump to commit suicide.

  8. I agree about that awful whine - but your do realize that nobody under age 40 has any idea what "fingernails on a blackboard" means.

  9. Fox top of the hour news blurb on the radio: "President Elect Joe Biden".
    It's enough to make you puke.

    1. Our local talk radio station carries Fox Radio News. They're almost as bad as AP about taking shots at Trump and using the most negative word choices about our side.

  10. Didn't see that coming. Fukkoff Laura.

  11. Paul Ryan has been on the board of directors of The Fox News parent corporation for a year or more. It started when they put Donna Brazil on The Five. Downhill since then. I’m totally done with Fox News.

  12. She was always a gatekeeping shill, just like the whole Fox network.

  13. His legacy is secure; he’s fighting for ours. Laura can toddle off to the obscurity she so richly deserves.

  14. I'll just leave this here :

    Donald Trump didn't kill himself.
    Joe Biden didn't kill himself.

  15. I am now done with recommending to watch her to my friends and family. Turncoat. Hope her viewership tumbles down to nothing. Hybo

  16. It's time to cut Faux News from your readership and viewership. People are switching to Newsmax or OAN. I don't own a TV so I don't watch Faux. I like Tucker Carlson and will watch him on Youtube, and that's about it. I don't go to Faux website either. They are turncoats.

  17. One has to remember that talking heads like her tend to have a higher viewer count when the opposition party is in power, and they have something to gripe about. She is only looking after her own interests.

  18. Hey Laura, Fuck You. (Agree on the voice.) Fuck Fox for that matter too.

  19. I quit Ingraham a while ago. I am am in the process of quitting FAUX News. Lou Dobbs on Fox Business is pretty good. I have not watched Tucker Carlson in a long time. But I am done, Brit Hume made a comment about the network calling Arizona for the PEDO while voting was still going on. I brought up the fact that so called networks called Florida for Gore. So it ihas been going on at least since then. I am voting for state offices and house and senate no more for President unless PRESIDENT TRUMP runs again.

  20. My wife and I have liked "The Five" on faux but last episode I saw they were all speaking of our president in past tense. From what I can tell, only Tucker Carlson still speaks the truth on faux.

  21. Faux' Saturday ratings crashed to third place behind CNN & MSNBC.

  22. Hope Tucker and Hannity don't cave. Fox people jumping ship so they can stay employed. Fuck Fox and Fox Biz channel.

    1. I could never stand Hannity, the constant interrupting of his guests the never ending self promoting and the dick sucking of the fbi is a total turnoff for me.

  23. Enjoy the ride Laura....The ride down into obscurity as you stab your viewers in the back for a few sheckels that won't make a difference pretty soon. You are pathetic. /spit Fuck you and Fox News. Enjoy the ratings crash as it hits dirt and digs.

  24. It all becomes clear when you realize the word "news" is now better defined as "propaganda" as in FPN Fox Propaganda Network. There are still a few holdouts left - Tucker, leading the pack. They would risk shredding their viewership should they dump him. Let us not forget Lou Dobbs, whom I've found to be a stalwart and honorable man on the sister channel.

    1. Lou is still Based, and so is Judge Jeanine.

      -Ed in Wa

  25. I forgot some one special....
    Fuck Paul Ryan!

    Paul J

  26. You know, if Trump knew the election was going to be cheated, but he planned on still winning but he wanted some time to pass to allow all the traitors to show their hands, he sure has been successful. Fucking commies and fake conservatives are piling on the boat to Gitmo in bigly numbers.


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