
Friday, November 13, 2020

Commentary: Building a New, Less Cowardly Republican Party

If you are a conservative who has been waking up angry, upset, and frustrated with your representation in Congress in the week since the presidential election, you are not alone. 

Many of us are wondering why the Republican Party seems to have been reactive and defensive rather than aggressive in support of President Trump and the America First agenda. 


  1. "Many of us are wondering why the Republican Party seems to have been reactive and defensive rather than aggressive in support of President Trump and the America First agenda."

    Actually, no. Most of us probably haven't been "wondering" at all. The GOP lives to surrender - that's literally all it does.

    Rebuilding the GOP is simple: take all the non-Vichy 'pub pols and bureaucrats and put them on boats. Hang the rest. Then sink the boats.

    1. I think this guy is onto something!!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. The republicans and the democrats are the two sides of the coin we are allowed to play politics with. The corporate masters (remember the warning about the military-industrial complex back in 1960?) don't really care which side it lands on because heads they win-tails we lose.

      The dems did their part by pushing Sanders to the side but the repubs screwed up and Trump snuck in, he's not a politician, he does not work for the people who have been running things.

      You realize that for this to go well in a court they will need some serious evidence? Just plain evidence won't cut it, this is serious power on the table and serious evidence is needed in the court!

      Even with the serious evidence they still have ALL the media on their side.

  3. They are called Rhinos for a reason. Wish they shared the same temper as the critter they are named for. Maybe they would stand for something again.

    They better get on the Trump chain as that is all that will save them.

    1. "They are called Rhinos for a reason. Wish they shared the same temper as the critter they are named for. Maybe they would stand for something again."

      Getting hunted to near-extinction by poachers? They've already done that.

  4. We were warned many moons ago ...

    Some things never change.

  5. Pie in the sky. The ruling political class will not allow it and Libertardians will allow any and every future democrat, who doesn't love a welfare state, to enter the country unfettered.

    1. What you wrote about the ruling "class" one gave the "ruling class" that distinction, they assumed it. It is time they are taken down all the way. We need to get busy.

  6. Trump, as wonderful as he was... was chicken. Clucking, yellow chicken. He could have done a lot more and he didn't b/c he was ew york chicken and scared of offending. I'm not happy he lost, but maybe this is a wake up call for the party bc they are chicken. I also don't believe we'll ever have another red in office unless they put someone really terrible up on the blue side.

    1. Well, the blues put up TWO terrible people and they won. Forget about ever having another Republican President; not only because of the blatant voter fraud, but next time around all these Republicans that were so enthusiastic this time are gonna say ?Why fucking bother; my vote doesn't matter."

    2. "I also don't believe we'll ever have another red in office"

      You lose.
      - General Secretary Kamala Harris

    3. "... unless they put someone really terrible up on the blue side."

      They just did. Now what?

    4. If a corrupt, senile old Deep State tool and an ambitious radical with zero morality in a skirt weren't terrible enough, who is?

      The problem isn't the candidates, it's the fool voters who think everything about Big Government is wonderful. They're about to learn that 'a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have', including your life.

    5. "I also don't believe we'll ever have another red in office unless they put someone really terrible up on the blue side." You mean like a Blue who demonstrates senility, pedophilia behaviors, video sound recordings of past criminal behavior and has a known past of taking $$$ from foreign bodies ?

      Bah - that'll never happen ...

  7. Our poll watchers weren't allowed in the rooms? So they just said m'kay? They should have said fuck you I'm entitled to go in and I'm damn well going in. Move me.

  8. It all leads to George Soros. In addition to funding the election of "his" district attorneys he also was instrumental in getting "his" candidates elected to Secretary of State offices in many states. Take a look at the SoS in Arizona if you don't believe there are not coordinated attacks going on in the election systems in many states.

    1. A question, if I may....
      Why is George Soros still alive?

  9. The article makes the wrong argument.
    I mean, its 'right' in a sense, the conclusions are logical, but in factual reality its wrong. There is no rebuilding the republican party. Conservatives and Libertarians won't be participating in the process any longer. "Democracy" has died in this country (been on life support for a while).
    For many, politics is dead. The ballot box has been usurped by the communists. The soap box no longer matters, and the jury box is nullified by an illegally legislative judiciary.

    One box left boys, or they put you in the box(car).

  10. The Republicans prefer to be in the minority, that way they can blather on about what they will do if you send them money for their reelection coffers.
    Then they don't actually have to put their name on any legislation, where they can be held responsible.

  11. The problem with the GOp is that most of them have no spine, they are invertebrates, they are too polite, the democrats are total communist, they do whatever it takes to win, lie, cheat, kill. The GOP has too much manners. What I liked about Trump was that he was the first one that actually fought back, but the rest of the republicans won't back them. the donks look like that they will be successful in stealing this election and there will never be another free election in this country again. Once the donks gets the illegals citizenship, they will have 2 monolithic voting blocks plus their political machines in the blue cities...we are screwed at this point.

  12. We should strive to establish at least 3 and maybe 5 real political parties in the U.S. One party rule is what the dems are aiming for and we need to squash that forevermore. Otherwise, they'll get rid of the filibuster, take both the house & senate, add two states (Puerto Rico and D.C.)and a permanent dem senate majority.
    If we don't clean up the current afterbirth from this election we're heading over the cliff. IMO.

  13. It seems to this old fart, that now is the time to start an NEW Political Party. One that attracts Folks that hold Traditional Values that had led so many to the Old GOP back in the 1850"s.

    I.E. Opposition to Slavery in any form, business friendly, low taxes & tariffs and a respect for the common man. Something that I think that a large majority of Folks are desperately looking for in this Great Nation of ours today. (I also think that if Trump is as smart as I think he is. He might be planning something like this right now)


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