
Friday, November 13, 2020

Make up your damned minds already

Wearing a mask can help protect you, not just those around you, from coronavirus transmission, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in new guidance Tuesday. 

The statement was an update to previous guidance suggesting the main benefit of mask wearing was to help prevent infected people from spreading the virus to others. 


  1. Yeah, and two layers of "source control" cloth being my skivvies and jeans block my farts from being smelled by anybody else too ... FFS, unquestioning stupid people will believe anything.

  2. If you do the research first, you don't likely have to double back as often. Of course,if you're still just winging it...

  3. Weve been doing this for 9 freaking months. If it really mattered, we would have known by now.

  4. These fuckers are as full of stuffing as a Thanksgiving turkey, the first narrative, mask don’t work, then mask work, then maybe the work, then they keep you from spreading the germ, then oh hell phase red again, shutdown, wear a mask, don’t gather for turkey day, don’t travel, there was no voter fraud, my hairs on fire, the sky is falling, Biden is not a creepy old bastard and Harris ain’t no whore, green energy is good, and all you rednecks are on a list. Did I miss anything?

  5. You don't understand. As new information comes in, the recommendations must be updated. Of course, the new information is not scientific or medical, but political, and it doesn't come from the CDC or even the NIH or the discredited WHO. It comes directly from the source, the DNC.
    When all is said and done, it will be easier for the execution squads to single out their targets. No yellow stars for us. Nope,just shoot for the ones who don't have a face mask on.


  6. When I get 'the business' for not wearing an FD, I tell the cunts I'm not risking my health to placate their fears.

    Chutes Magoo

  7. It wasn't that long ago that the CDC posted the results of a survey that showed the vast majority of those testing positive for Covid always wore masks, or wore masks on a regular basis when in public.

  8. Masks are useless, there a “Compliance” Item (Comply Or Else)…

  9. Waiting for CDC guidelines when and how to wear masks during sex.

  10. I don't wear one except to get into a Doc's office. No choice there.

    And I won't be getting any of that politics-in-a-syringe either.

  11. "Listen to the scientists and follow their mandates" Plugs mutters & stutters. That should tell us critical thinkers everything we need to know.

  12. ....let's see, I think this makes the 999,999,999,999,999,999th time the commie CDC, NIH, AMA et al have LIED to us about masks and Covid.

    Then, they want us to let them run the country.


  13. Yesterday the Oregon spokesperson said "please stay at home and wear a mask so you don't kill me or someone else'. As if I gave a rat's ass.

  14. This entire "masquerade" has been overblown and filled with politics. Governors and mayors want it to continue because they like the power-rush they get from ordering people around. And the key to overcoming the virus (the HCQ "cocktail) was nixed because Trump said it might work. Well, it DOES work, as proven by doctors who said fuck this, I'm not letting patients die. We need to stand up and give these idiots the ol' Bronx salute!

  15. I just want know why are our betters wanting to keep us alive?

  16. My standard response is, "Chain-link fence/mosquito".


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