
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Fighting Words

By now it should be obvious – even to conservatives – that we are in a war. It is a conflict that began nearly fifty years ago when the street revolutionaries of the Sixties joined the Democrat Party. Their immediate goal was to help the Communist enemy win the war in Vietnam, but they stayed to expand their influence in the Democrat Party and create the radical force that confronts us today. The war that today’s Democrats are engaged in reflects the values and methods of those radicals. It is a war against us – against individual freedom, against America’s constitutional order, and against the capitalist engine of our prosperity. 


  1. Read the David Horowitz & Peter Collier book "Destructive Generation". It won't stop the Communists from destroying America but, while you're wiling away the years in a "reeducation camp" it'll help you understand how it happened.

    1. No Sir, I don't believe so.
      As the post title suggests... shits about to get real.

  2. Ive made a list of what neighbors put out the Biden signs. When the shooting starts, thats where i will start. Spicy times bitches. Spicy indeed.


    Mr fbi, cia, dhs, and fusion center hero these comments are for entertainment only and do not reflect any reality

    1. There are a fair number of people who supported Biden out of ignorance and inertia.

      I'm more interested in the people with "Black Lives Matters" signs and "Hate Has No Home Here (We Welcome All Immigrants)" signs.

      As for Horowitz, good on him. I appreciate his efforts. Sadly, the David Horowitzs are vastly outnumbered by the Howard Zinns, Bernardine Dohrns, Kathy Boudins (mother of current San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin), David Gilberts, Herbert Marcuses, Theodor Adornos, etc etc etc. More importantly, this subversion did NOT start merely in support of the Viet Cong as Horowitz states in his article. It is something that has been done repeatedly, in dozens of countries, over decades if not centuries.

    2. cavguy, about those neighbors who put signs in their yards I always think, its one thing to be the village idiot, but to tell everyone else that your the village idiot, well, neighbor, your an idiot.

  3. How can we do less than fight, while Trump fights for us?

  4. I have a next door neighbor that moved in just a tad over a year ago. He has one of those extreme subwoofer bass systems and constantly drives into the neighborhood with that crap going and causing your hearing and equilibrium to be assaulted. The other day the idiot comes home blaring a liberal rap song of “ Fuck Donald Trump, Fuck Donald Trump, Yeah, nigga, fuck Donald Trump (It's for our people), Yeah, yeah, fuck Donald Trump, Yeah, fuck Donald Trump (Ain't nobody else gon' speak up, we gon' speak up), Yeah, fuck Donald Trump, Yeah, nigga, fuck Donald Trump, Yeah, yeah, fuck Donald Trump”. Now that my friends is some well thought out lyrics and music to satisfy the intellectual mind of this moron, who has to be at least mid 40’s. I wrote the HOA and explained that it was unacceptable and if it continued I will sue him and the HOA for denying me peace and enjoyment of my home and noise laws. Fuck the vine he swung in on. So when it does get spicy I know a vehicle that needs ventilation.

  5. Spot on story - I've been saying the same.

    The radical left realized they had to take over certain areas to fundamentally change the nation:

    Education - to fundamentally change the nation start with the children. Within 3 generations you'll have largely succeeded. Just look around.

    Government positions. This is exactly why there are 50 "whistle blowers" against conservative admins vs 1 for liberal admins - and that 1 gets buried.

    Also why and how they get away with sedition and subversion.

    Vietnam war set all this up imo.


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