
Friday, November 13, 2020

Fox News Still Hasn’t Rescinded Its Inaccurate Election Night Prediction Dems Would Gain Five House Seats

American Greatness author Christopher Gage on Saturday asked why Fox News has not retracted it’s wrong call on the house. 

It’s a good question so American Greatness emailed Fox News Corporation Monday morning to ask it. We didn’t receive a reply. 

The Fox News Decision Desk made its wildly inaccurate projection early on Election Night, saying that Democrats would win at least five seats in the House. The bad call was devastating to Republican morale and set the false narrative that President Trump had no coattails.


  1. Fox News has sucked down the blue pill. The only shows even remotely worth watching without puking you brains out are Tucker@8:00PM, Hannity (personally I don't care for him, too much of a braggart) and Ingraham@10:00PM. (I think she's good. Just that I'm looking for something else to watch at 10:00PM)


    The rest are taking all their direction from that turncoat RINO Paul Ryan.


  2. I'd rather watch amputee midget scat porn than Fox.

  3. Fuck Fox. They fucked us, right? Turn it off. ALL OF IT!!!

  4. I haven't seen Mark Levin since the election and I used to like Lou Dobbs but yeah, Fox can suck it

  5. According to the latest stats...
    'ol foxie is just a walking corpse...
    they just haven't realized it yet.
    View this and you'll see that even Tucker is in on it
    by omission...sure, he might be able to say everything he wants
    but the proof is damning...

  6. Disney Officially Owns 21st Century Fox. Disney's $71.3 billion acquisition of Fox's entertainment assets ... Disney also now owns former Fox television networks such as FX Networks and National Geographic Partners.Mar 20, 2019 == They're gonna tow the rope the boss gives 'em or they'll be set adrift. Like the ol timers taught us; if'n it don't make sense - thar's a buck in it!

    1. Disney owns the Fox movie studio, but not Fox news.

  7. I thought Chris Steyer was a straight shooter.....election night proved that wrong....

  8. Stopped watching them years ago even before Oreilly was disappeared

  9. Yeah, the dude running the decision desk was a Hitliary supporter and gave $4,000 to her campaign. Fox News has made some very bad choices, including hiring Donna Brazille and letting Chris Wallace moderate the 1st debate. Did I say these were bad choices?


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