
Friday, November 13, 2020

Too much snow to make it to a mineshaft?

BRIDGEPORT (AP/CBS13) — A California state snowplow driver clearing a remote stretch of U.S. 395 in the eastern Sierra Nevada found the bodies of a man and woman who had been slain, the Mono County Sheriff’s Office said. 

The bodies were spotted just before dawn Monday on the shoulder of the highway about 10 miles (16 kilometers) north of the tiny community of Bridgeport.


  1. Man, I wasn't paying much attention when I clicked and thought this was gonna be one of your "Wirecutter roams the backwoods" stories.

  2. "A 'remote' stretch of U.S. 395"? "The 'tiny' community of Bridgeport"?
    This story was obviously written by an AP reporter from Los Angeles whose only experience with Mono County was watching a video of High Plains Drifter.

  3. Two more for Hillary's list?


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