
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

In case you're wondering what I want for Christmas...

Two years ago the XM556 was turning heads at SHOT Show 2017. Now the suitcase-sized minigun is going into full production. 

Empty Shell’s CEO and president Jeff Pitts said his company has spent two years perfecting and fine tuning their microgun. “You let your imagination run wild,” he said about this customizable wonder weapon. “You tell me where you want it, and we’ll put it there.” 

Half the size of a traditional M134, the XM556 owes it’s micro statue to its 5.56mm round. 


  1. Why the hell is this going to law enforcement? Military, i understand, but law enforcement..

    1. That was my thought too. What the heck kind of scenario would a PD be in that this would be useful. Unless...maybe...if they get serious about dealing with riots.
      Of course if they do that I want one mounted on a turret that pops out of my sunroof. Mad max was set in 2021 after all.

    2. That's exactly what I was thinking. Why are the police getting these? What's the need? I like the fact that the military has them but the police? The police are way too militarized right now. Just think what the boys in blue will do when they get their hands on this thing. If anything when they become available to he police then they should also be made available to the deplorables and dregs. I mean it's only fair.


    3. Yeah, If it's available to cops it should be available to all of us dirt people as well. Jdl

    4. "Why the hell is this going to law enforcement?"

      Ever read all the internet chest-beating by all of those "Imma kill 'em all when they come for my guns" guys? That's why. As Captain Barbossa said in Pirates of the Caribbean: "People are easy to search...when they're dead."
      - Your friends in federal, state, and local law enforcement

  2. OH! The perfect upgrade for the Aston-Martin DB5 ... if I had a DB5.

  3. Just reminded me of Snowcrash and Ultima Ratio Regum.

  4. How else will civilians get their hands on one during the zombie apocalypse?

  5. What are you gonna feed it though?

  6. What are you gonna feed it though?

  7. Shoudda been testing them at a couple of the peaceful demonstrations this summer.

  8. Probably the same way I did ... a letter to Santa.


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