
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Looks like everybody's going to get paid but me

A book titled, Inventing Latinos: A New Story of American Racism, written by University of California Los Angeles School of Law professor, Laura Gomez, is advocating for the United States to provide reparations for the Latino community. 

According to Gomez’s website, the main theme of the book, as described from an excerpt from the introduction, is “the how and why of Latinx identity becoming a distinctive racial identity.” Furthermore, it says, “this book explains how and why Latinos became cognizable as a racial group— a racial group that is Other and inferior to Whites.”


  1. "Cognizable"? That is as much a real word as is "Latinx." Miguel at gunfreezone had a good piece Wednesday on "Latinx", stating that the word was manufactured so progressives and media types could ignore and shove aside rules of grammar. Many Spanish words have man/woman assignments, but but by making up a word, liberals and leftists can begin to make the language gender-free, as they have been somewhat successful at doing with English. I did not read all of the piece on Ms./Mz. Gomez, since all her arguments concerning American dealings in Central America have been common knowledge for at least 50 years.

  2. If anybody deserves reparations it is the Native American people. And how about Japanese Americans who were interned during WWII?

    1. "And how about Japanese Americans who were interned during WWII?"

      They already got it. The German- and Italian-Americans who were also interned (admittedly fewer in number) did not.

    2. Amen. Indian had it good. Hunt and fish all day. White man screwed it up.

  3. Any people or group of people that hyphenate their status as Americans should be removed immediately when the shit hits the fan. If you have no desire to be a American outright, you shouldn’t be here.

  4. "Other".... Is that now a proper noun or is that just you?

  5. Nope, we get the honor of paying them.

  6. All four of my Grandparents emigrated to the US. They found jobs that didn't pay for shit and were shunned by the general populace for their first few years here. The work effect made them all outstanding citizens. If they were offered free money, they wouldn't take it. I would tell this "professor" to fuck off and move to the third world country he longs for.

  7. Booker Washington's quote doesn't only apply to blacks.

  8. You're not the only one not getting paid.
    In fact, I'm busy paying.


  9. Don't lose all hope there Wirecutter, coming to Kommifornia, you can probably speak enough of the lingo to fool a gringo. Wear a greasy white T-shirt, shitty jeans and huaraches you could probably pass if you tried.

  10. Compare Mexico to the US and tell me they're not inferior to US.

  11. On the plus side, I have yet to meet anyone of hispanic background who doesn't think that "Latinx" is a complete and utter bullshit term. Granted, the plural of anecdote isn't data, but still...

    1. Where I come from the Hispanics in the Valley HATE the Mexicans in the Big City. There is a difference.

  12. If that bitch came to South Texas and started taking that commie shit, she might survive in the counties along the Rio Grande where lots of wetbacks live. But don't fuck with the Mexicans who have been here for generations, who own businesses and are generally hard working people. And lots of them are smart and driven to become better than their parents. I have been married to two Mexican women, both who are Capitalists and voted for Trump. They would just as soon cut your commie head off before listening to your tripe. In many ways Texas has become a bigger and better melting pot for many different people. But for people to come here from commie states or countries and try to change how we live here, that means war. Our King Abbott has yet to figure this out. He wants to go to the dark side with soros money. We best not re-elect the traitor in 2022. He needs to go to the dustbin.


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