
Friday, November 13, 2020

Oughta work

When there’s a fire in New York City, 911 dispatch sends a team of firefighters. And when there’s a car crash, responders call for a tow truck and an ambulance. When when there’s a 911 call about an unstable individual posing harm to themselves or to others, New York City sends its law enforcement. 

But that might not be the case for much longer. 

In a statement made by the mayor’s office on Tuesday Morning, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a pilot program that would send counseling professionals to respond to 911-calls that are associated with mental health emergencies—instead of police officers.


  1. Seems like the first Mental Health responder ought to be sent to the Mayor's Office.

    1. And hopefully the rest of Hizzoner's family will be there when help arrives. That whole bunch is bat-shit nuts.
      Good going, New York. You can really pick 'em.

  2. How long before the Social Workers demand that they be allowed to be armed when going on a call?

    1. Nah. Once a couple of them are killed, their union will demand that police officers accompany them on all calls - and go in first. They'll call a funeral home once the police have made it safe for them.

  3. that ought to last until a couple "counseling professionals" get killed.


  5. Should generate more business for 911, as it leads to more hostage situations

  6. What if, instead, they just provide the police teams with curved 3x7 lexan shields that they can use to surround and trap the unstable, armed or unarmed. Alternately, how about a drone with a net slinger....

    1. I have made this suggestion multiple times. Seems a lot better option than letting Officer Steroid unload his piece in a mag dump. The shields can be had for less than $200, chump change compared to most of the gear they have in the cruisers.


    Let these ignorant asswipes send their social workers out into the masses! Let them herald from the parapets and treetops in all the land what a glorious achievement they have perfected in their wokeness!!!

    And after about 3-4 of them get beaten, raped, and murdered by the whack-o they're supposed to be 'helping', we'll have that many fewer socialists to throw out of the helicopters later.

  8. I hope the "counselling professionals" check their life insurance policies for "disclaimers".

  9. Wouldn't a "counseling professional" that would take on such a duty have to have mental defcits himself? C'mon man!

  10. Yeh, councilors might work, right up 'till the time the first one gets killed by some psycho off his/her meds. ...notice I DID NOT discriminate on gender ;^))


  11. The NYC counselor arrives and walks up to the burning building; "So are you protesting white supremacy today?", he says to the fire.

  12. Now is Blasio going to go out on calls too? Or will he stay in the rear and tell the media how heartbroken and devastated he is that a social worker was raped and beaten to death?

  13. Do you call 911 again to make sure the body bags are enroute?
    FORCE is what you use in response to force. Trying to reason with a psych patient, “Do you understand that I don’t see the dragons?” Is what you can do AFTER the danger has been addressed.

  14. Has anybody, in the whole wide world, ever been heard to say: "Quick! I need a social worker"? Anybody???

  15. Good luck. I've done my fair share in the ER. A "George Floyd" rolls into the ED yelling, screaming, kicking and attempting to jump out of the stretcher with firemen/police/techs/nurses attempting to keep the stretcher from falling over. This is before he/she is even rolled into a room. Then later when the patient runs down the hallway all you see is MALE security guards attempting to stop him/her. If they've taken a banana split, molly, flipping candy, based their space, well, that's like trying to reason with a gorilla that had gasoline poured on its back and set on fire.

  16. Sending armed thugs worked out so well for Charles Kinsey. You remember, the caretaker shot in the leg while seated on the ground with his hands in the air. He was trying to wrangle a patient who was sitting on the ground playing with a toy truck. Officer Friendly thought the toy truck was a lethal threat and fired 3 rounds from his M4, luckily the cop showed typical cop markmanship and only hit one innocent bystander missing the retarded guy playing with a toy and hitting his caretaker.

    I am sure we could come up with multiple other cases, but I am too lazy to look them up. Remember,all situations can be made worse by adding a cop.

    1. Yea sounds good Chris, but without their body-cams how would we be entertained.

  17. Living just outside the city limit, and working in the trades mid-town most of my professional life, I can tell you first hand that Big-Mouth DeBalsio is a 100% a**-clown.

    3 months tops before a psycho pops a social worker on the job. Good news for the family is the student loan for the 150k gender studies degree the worm bait raked up will get forgiven.

  18. I look forward to the quiet retraction of this policy when a few of these "experts" are raped and murdered or just beaten into grease spots.

  19. Sounds like an excellent plan to reduce the numbers of Prius-driving obese lesbians.

  20. 911 What's your emergency?
    I just beheaded somebody and I can't stand the sight of blood!
    911 a counseling professional is on the way for you, sir.

  21. Let's bring back Ed Gwynn and Al Lewis in Car 54 and put things in their proper perspective.

  22. A LEO buddy retired and was doing part time work for the state by evaluating job applications and conducting first level interviews of job applicants. He suggested my recently graduated RN apply for the new prison out in a small town-the pay was great, so he said. A couple years later a female kitchen worker at that prison was murdered by a trustee using a large kitchen knife. I can imagine how safe a young, pretty RN would be in that environment. No thanks she said.

  23. I see an opening for grievance studies majors ! There's a huge oversupply of them so some culling would not be a problem.


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