
Friday, November 13, 2020

The Revolutionary Red Zone

Wresting control of a once-free republic like America has been a painstaking job for our gulag-obsessed revolutionaries. They understand that if the people’s revolution kicks off too early, normal Americans might object in no uncertain terms. 

Our betters would love to set up guillotines for deplorables and sundry subhumans who continue to spew their hateful rhetoric about their Constitution and their Second Amendment and their God-given rights. One wonders if the People’s Liberation Army might be enticed into a little recreational target practice in corners of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. But even the most impatient of the lot understands that all of the deplorables have seen Red Dawn. 
-Murray, RDM73


  1. Funny how these things work. Half of us will know-without having to be told-when snipers are on station.

  2. The benefit of being the averaged-age Deplorable is that we know the results of jumping too soon; we have seen the tactical advantage of being patient, and we know no one lives forever. For us, freedom in America is pretty much the hill we will die on.

  3. The lefty fucks have seen Red Dawn too, they just think that the commie bastards were the good guys.


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