
Friday, November 13, 2020

Don't Give an Inch

Elections don’t make democracies; free and fair elections do. Today, in the midst of post-election chaos, we find ourselves in a fight for the latter. In that sense, this election is about far more than Donald Trump the man, or even his policies. The question is this: either democracy survives or one political party will be allowed to bully, lie, cheat, and steal its way into power. 

The stakes, at this moment, in this country that we love, could not be higher. Some Republicans are used to losing and habituated to concession, but the President and the largest number of voters for any Republican in American history know that fighting until the end is necessary–and winning is not wrong. 


  1. Do America a favor: take a Never Trumper with you next time you go hunting.

  2. Google results vs Duckduckgo.
    Make the switch!

  3. Why I think Trump will win:


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