
Monday, November 09, 2020

Robertson County TN back under a mask mandate

ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE (Smokey Barn News) – Robertson County is going back under a mask mandate following a recent spike in COVID-19 cases and a declaration of a health emergency by Robertson County mayor Billy Vogle. 

“As of yesterday, we are averaging 17 positive COVID-19 cases a day, which is 120 people a week in Robertson County. While many of these cases are not hospital stays, some are, and the average stay in the hospital for COVID patients is 9 to 10 days. The Governor reached out to me last week asking me to implement a mask mandate. The middle Tennessee area is a hotbed for the virus with numbers going higher each day. 


  1. Tennessee does not have a state wide mandate right?
    So why is the governor asking counties to do it?
    I must have missed something, though I admit I have trouble keeping up on the ever changing (and mostly ignored) restrictions in my own state, let alone others...

  2. More ChiCom Lung AIDS fear porn. Cases, Cases, Cases, yet not too many hospital stays. It's all bullshit. Masks do absolutely nothing to stop the spread.

  3. Disease deaths per day worldwide

    Tuberculosis 3014
    Hepititus B 2430
    Pneumonia 2216
    Aids 2110
    Malaria 2002
    Rotavirus 1233
    Flu 1027
    Norovirus 548
    Whooping cough 440
    Typhoid 396
    Cholera 392
    Meningitis 329
    Measles 247
    Rabies 162
    Yellow fever 82
    Coronavirus 56

  4. Fear fear fear and despair. I can't help but wonder what these assholes are going to come up with next considering most of us just ain't buying their shit ever again. At this point they could splash the headlines with Christmas is coming in December and I wouldn't believe it.

  5. Billy Vogle is an ass, and we don't care what he says. He did a mandate earlier in the year; the Kroger & Lowe's informal survey in Springfield was less than 50% compliance, per this observer. You ain't going to tell a bunch of old farmers to wear a face diaper, not and have it go your way. Might not end well if you pick the wrong old redneck.
    --Tennessee Budd

  6. Heard that the castaways on Gilligan's Island got that shit also.


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