
Friday, November 13, 2020

So much for rioting and looting in Florida

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis reportedly wants to expand to the state's self-defense law commonly known as Stand Your Ground that could include justifications for people using force against one another over criminal acts during protests, like looting. 

According to the Miami Herald, the "anti-mob" draft legislation expands the list of forcible felonies under the Stand Your Ground to include criminal mischief causing “interruption or impairment” of a business. This means that the proposed expansion may allow for citizens to shoot and possibly kill anyone they suspect of rioting or looting. 


  1. It sounds good on the surface but it seems to me they are opening a "pandoras box" of issues with it.

  2. DeSantis 2024 - fuck y’all’s feelings

    1. Hey, I think DeSantis is on the right path here.

  3. Just in time for Spicy Time.

  4. Fkn' A, Bubba....keep that shit in Portland, or LA, or Detroit, or Chicago, NY City....even Minneapolis....come here, pull that crap, go home in a box....sounds just about right....

    1. If memory serves, Miami has thrown some pretty good riots now and again.

  5. The wording of the quote is misleading. There is no suspicion if you have a bunch of people burglarizing your business or about to set it on fire.

    Arson and burglary are already Forcible felonies which allow for use of deadly force according to Florida statutes

  6. In Tennessee we have the “ Dig A Hole” law.

  7. Sounds like a lot of nothingness to me, Louisiana passed and put into law the
    " Shoot the Burglar " and " Shoot the Carjacker " laws way back in the early 90s.
    We've always had what is now called the "Stand your Ground " laws.
    Also unlicensed open carry allowed in 95% of the state since the late 1800s.
    So forgive me if I'm not impressed.....😎

  8. I was in south Florida when Hurricane Andrew hit. A frequently seen bit of graffiti was "Looters will be shot." By December the signs had been modified to read "Looters will STILL be shot."
    While there were no official reports of such actions happening I spoke with officers from; Ft. Lauderdale, Oakland Park, and ... I can't remember. Anyway, they all noted that several well know "undesirables" hadn't been seen or reported missing since the hurricane hit. No one spent much time looking for them either.

  9. It's what we call"a target rich environment".....

  10. This would go a long way to ending Black Bloc tactics, where they rely on uniform dress to avoid individual identification and consequences. Now, if there's a riot going on and you're dressed in the uniform of rioters, you ARE a rioter and subject to being shot on the spot. I'd also like to see, in addition to immunity for drivers injuring road blockers, immunity for those who would clear roadblocks from a distance with gunfire.

  11. In a civilized society looters are shot on sight!


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