
Friday, November 13, 2020

Tucker too?

It appears as though one of the most prominent talking heads at Fox News may have reached the fifth and final stage of post-election grief: acceptance. 

On Monday night, Tucker Carlson admitted that there doesn't "seem to be enough" fraud "to alter the election result" and that he should be "honest and tell you that." 


  1. Tucker's point about integrity of the vote makes sense to me. Funny how many ways the Left attacked Trump because of an illegitimate vote, but then turn around complain about the same process four years later. They more than anyone should care about making sure the vote is legal. They don't seem to care this much this time, in fact just proclaiming they won and move out already.

  2. That does it for tucker, too!
    I will not listen to anyone who’s honesty up for sale.

  3. That was the situation on Monday..been a lot of revelations since then.

    I would bet that he feels different today.

    1. He feels how he is told to feel. He's a company owned man. Since nearly all conservatives pulled the plug on faux, they see no point in him bleating to attract viewers.
      I left them after the Meagain Kelly fiasco, as in midway through the debate.

    2. He does feel differently now than he did then. Anyone who saw his Wednesday or Thursday shows knows that! However, recognizing the built-in bias of much of the judiciary isn't defeatism, it's just common sense observation of reality. What in the hell do people expect him to do when much of his show is taped in advance and even live segments can be subject to "technical difficulties" before the 20-second delay buffer has run out. Does anyone believe that Tucker isn't under a near-ironclad contract that might well cost him everything if he breaks it? It's easy-peasy for those who'd pay no price at all to call for someone to pay the butcher's bill, but pardon me if I doubt that even 1% of naysayers would do the same if in his shoes. On the other hand, he's pushing the limits every day for the rest of the week as more malfeasance comes to light. If FNc break the contract, he and his family are in for a big payday. Who among you would give up his huge audience AND his check and likely bigger pay
      check if FNC breaks his contract for the sake of spite? If you haven't seen Tucker's latest shows' then STFU!

    3. Iron


      And the brief pondering of those under FNC contract floated today...

    4. I've not been in his shoes. Its not that I did not have the opportunity because surely I have had more than a few opportunities to step in it. I haven't been in his shoes because I was smart enough to avoid stepping into them.

      Some people are for sale. That is all there is about it.

  4. Faithless Electors. That's the only chance left. And to wonder just how much money they've been offered one way or another (or the lives of their family/loved ones in the balance), the cheat is almost over.
    Stick a fork in 'er...fat lady is already into the second stanza.

    1. Don't give up on President Trump. The fraud being uncovered is massive and verified. We are not a banana republic until we give up the fight.

    2. We are now a banana republic.

    3. BHO and JB - the latter will not become obtain the status

  5. I'm disappointed, but I shouldn't be surprised that they squeezed him. From all the reports on Revolver, Big League Politics, The Conservative Treehouse, The Gateway Pundit, Redstate and other sources, there was massive and widespread fraud. Rudy does interviews & updates at various alternative sites. The Dominion Voting Services ballot machines & software were known to be hackable & vulnerable. If the Trump Team gets honest judges he'll win. There's the rub.... Tuck's chosen to go down with the Fox ship, no one in the honest press should hire him.

    1. ETA: Lou Dobbs over at Fox Business is still reporting and interviewing about the Fraud. For how much longer....?

    2. Honest press? Hahahahaha. Military intelligence? Alcoholic rationalization?

  6. Donald Trump riled all the wrong people.....his fate in 2020 was sealed when he beat hillery....the left had 4 years to perfect their cheating a way, you have to kind of admire the way they blatantly stole this election, without even trying to hide it, and will get away with quote a famous American "Wake up, America"....

    1. Yeah, wake the fuck up. Every democrat/commie has to be eliminated. They are the cancer that is ruining our country.

  7. Well, that was a left leaning website, to say the least.

    I have not given up on Trump, although he is up against a very strong conflagration of evil forces.

  8. Tucker is right though on any fraud in an election. The vote doesn't matter. That is why if Biden installed I will never vote again until the revolution is over if I am not dead yet.

  9. Never did like tucker. Always seemed a little smug to me and that is a tell for a liberal. And we need to stop calling them liberals as they are not liberal at all.

    Part hack at best

  10. RUDI SAYS there is a GREAT VOLUME OF FRAUD more than enough to overturn the VOTE. He was LOU DOBBS last night (I THINK) TUCKER SHOULD WATCH.

    1. We respectfully disagree.
      - The totally impartial judges (who absolutely, positively, not already determined that Biden will be installed) who will summarily rejec....sorry, give a full and fair hearing to Trump's evidence.

  11. What you think there will be some lone actors taking retribution out on leftist government officials/agents (at all levels), poling volunteers, media hacks, and your normal local commie neighbors? Some folks brain watch springs are wound so tight the snapping will happen and be contagious. Once it starts the emotional contagion will carry this effect from coast to coast. Matt Bracken has written several works on just this phenomenon. Then the executive branch will pronounce dictates outlawing private ownership of all firearms, particularly the moderate sporting rifle. The sad part is this has all been manufactured. Spicy times


    Mr. fbi, cia, dhs, and fusion center hero’s, these comments are for entertainment only and do not reflect any reality.

    “Enemies foreign and domestic”.

  12. It is at once 1860 and 1938.
    We are the disaffected south and Europe.

  13. Tucker's looking to save his annual 6 figure job by tossing out the probable. I don't see Trump losing as the real tragedy. It's the 2-asshole puppet figureheads wining and put at the country's helm to cover for the global elite real string pullers that's the real danger.

  14. Hi guys, to those of you switching news sites away from fox news. Beware of newsmax dot com, check the sources of their stories. bloomberg, politico, associated press, reuters. very suspicious

  15. beware news sources at news max dot com. politico, bloomberg, reuters, ap

  16. You have to be a moron to think that anyone on TV isn't a ticket taking sellout. He got his orders. Fox is just like the rest of them. They are not in it for profit. The billionaires will make sure they are subsidized. They just need to push propaganda for their masters.

    Trump had the most legitimate votes and there is no way that he didn't.

  17. How many raccoons can you fit up your butt? Some say two but I say get ready for seven.

    Ray from fb.

  18. I think Tucker is tiptoeing his way to appease his employer while not losing his base. Instead for chastising him we should have a little empathy; he's one of the last truth-tellers on a major network, along with Hannity and Lou Dobbs.
    As for the winner of the contest; I'm still hanging in there with Trump. MAGA 2020.

  19. We all know the election was a fraud. But there is a distinction between what you know, and what you can prove in court. That's the inherent weakness in any system of justice. That's why the Democrats worked so hard to provide a fait accompli by eliminating witnesses from the polling places at the time the votes were being counted. I don't know why Republican Presidents haven't developed an Election SWAT team comprised of Federal Marshalls, who are placed strategically in cities like Detroit/Phillie/etc. and have the authority to act immediately once serious fraud is detected, responding with overwhelming armed authority to catch the bastards in the act, red-handed. Should be done for every election, and cases prosecuted with immunity clauses for low-level crooks to work up the chain of command.

  20. I suggest that if you did not actually see the episode in question, you should perhaps reserve judgment about Tucker until you do. Otherwise, are you any different than the liberals claiming Trump is a racist even though they cannot cite any examples? I did see the episode in question and did not take it the way it was portrayed in the article.

    In the end, one fraudulent vote is too many. That means one unknown person had their constitutional rights violated and that is not acceptable at any level.


  21. OUT OF CONTEXT, don't fall for it. Tucker's fine.

    1. No, no, no! Fuck Tucker, fuck Cavuto, fuck the MSM, and fuck Fox news in it's entirety. Traitors all.


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