
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Such nice people...

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Authorities made an arrest after a person in a wheelchair was attacked with a chain during President Trump rally at the California State Capitol in Sacramento on Saturday. 


  1. I am so happy that our Democrat brothers and sisters are reaching across the aisle is the spirit of unity and reconciliation.

    Oh wait, I forgot that these are the same Democrats calling for reeducation camps and reparations.

    1. Hey, we are very egalitarian in our attacks. We go after conservatives, Republicans, straights, whites, Christians, suburbanites, business owners, etc. That's 7 different categories right there!
      - Antifa/BLM

  2. Arrested? No. If you're so depraved and cowardly that you're attacking someone in a wheelchair, you don't deserve to still be breathing!

  3. Keep poking the bear, motherfuckers. One day, you're going to find yourself in the middle of a game I like to call Deplorable Roulette.

  4. These days it seems more likely that the guy in the wheelchair will be arrested for attacking the mostly peaceful demonstrators chain with his face.


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