
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Forgotten Again

Neglected by Republicans and Democrats alike, vilified by the culture, and preyed upon by globalization, white working-class voters in 2016 cast their lot with the one candidate in a generation who remembered them, and thus became Donald Trump’s base—a constellation of blue, white, and pink collar laborers. This spark ignited what was supposed to be a revolution in party politics and carried Trump into the White House. 

The truth about white “dysfunctional, downscale communities,” Kevin Williamson informed us in a March 2016 National Review article, “is that they deserve to die.” A year into Donald Trump’s presidency, an unrepentant Bill Kristol quipped that the “lazy” white working class should be replaced with immigrants. The mask was off what had been the prevailing attitude among establishment conservatives and Republicans until Trump. 


  1. One sorta sad note coming from the election is the demise of Fox. It's so bad that the boneheads Joe and Mika have replaced Fox and Friends in the morning at number 1, a place that Fox held, on cable morning shows, FOR TWENTY YEARS.

    The worst part of that story is that they did it to themselves.

    Despite multiple warnings from viewers over the last six months about the bias being displayed by Baier, MacCallum. and that Never Trump fruitloop Wallace, they kept up with the anti-Trump bullcrap polls and reporting while boosting Biden every chance they got.

    Something I read in a book once foretold, "You reap what you sow".

    Fox is now reaping good and hard.

    Can't wait for the news of the mass firings to come. 'Course it won't be the brain dead anchors responsible for Fox's demise that get fired. Such as it always is.

    There's nothing like shooting yourself in the foot on national TV night after night.

    Viewership is down so much, network wide, that Tucker had to do a whole segment on his show the other night to assure viewers that he was staying at Fox and that other shows would be revamped to align themselves more with his presentations.

    As for myself, I've switched to Newsmax, for my six o'clock news. I still watch Tucker at 8 for the lead half hour. The rest can kiss my azz.


    1. Maybe their stock will tank enough to let Donald Trump buy it and turn it into a real news agency.

  2. Fifteen years ago, in a former job, I was involved in litigation against one of the bug athletic equipment manufacturers. As part of the litigation, I got to see all of their internal communications about advertising. They had already written off whites as a demographic with a viable future even back then. They did not make any effort at all to market to Ypipo, figuring that whites buy enough of their products now, but offer no future market.

    Kind of a sobering analysis to read through.

  3. So, does that leave only Mittens to vote for next time?

  4. Only you anon would continue to vote. I have stated my plans. Carlin was right.

  5. Carlin's harsh assessment that those rich, elite, snobs in DC couldn't care less about the average American, only deciding to notice us when election time rolled around, and then only to keep them in their cushy, corrupt positions where they could line their own pockets with our money, though brutally honest, was the way of it....I miss him....


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