
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Kentucky Governor to announce more virus rules Wednesday

LOUISVILLE, Ky (AP) — Faced with rising case numbers and deaths, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced that he will introduce new steps to slow the spread of the coronavirus. He noted that these new actions would be more targeted than the lockdown measures enacted in March. 


  1. Notice how simultaneously the several states are issuing tighter restrictions? It's as if they are coordinated. Naw, must be a conspiracy theory.

    1. Live free or die governor is mandating masks everywhere starting tomorrow. He is a second generation governor and owns a ski resort. At least he’s a republican...

  2. Hey, "holiday season" is coming up. Time to strangle the economy to finish off all those pesky small businesses with owners who keep voting against the Glorious Socialist Utopia. The big guys? They're down, and they write us big checks.
    - Politicians

  3. And Lil Andy bends all the waitresses over and breaks it off in them. No worries though, Lil Andy is still cashing his paychecks, still living in taxpayer provided housing, and still has his taxpayer provided maid, cook, butler, and driver/bodyguard. Who cares if the gals down at the Waffle House go homeless, Lil Andy sure in the hell doesn't.

  4. Ah, Andy. Kentucky's favorite closet globalist. Son of Steve Beshear and Jane Klingner.

    Huh. Whatever you say about him, he isn't a traitor to his people. Oppressing your people and trying to ruin their futures is kind of his thing. He's a natural!

  5. I read that Dominion was doing all the covid number accounting since last spring. I wonder if they were cheating those numbers too?
    And judging from how all of a sudden like every major community got big covid numbers last week, I wonder if the numbers are being skewed or did a crew go around spraying covid cooties on every grocery shelf and bar glass?

  6. They still cut unborn babies up and sell the pieces. I don't wanna hear crap about lives and how much these lying scumsuckers care.


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