
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai On The 2020 Election Fraud

He has his detractors in the comments. Those detractors are too stolid to understand what he said. I’ve done calculations and data analysis my entire working career as a registered professional engineer. So let me break this down for you in a method I think you’ll understand and add a few points. 


  1. Also from The Captain's Journal today is the first case on the bumpstock ban was dropped by the prosecuting government.

  2. Why would you give this dumbass more exposure. He didn't invent email regarless of his claims, and I wouldn't believe anything else he says, no matter what party he's running under.

  3. His name tells me he is indian (dot) and black as coal, he most likely had to come here to escape being in the sub-lower caste. Most indians come from a nation of huge government that is completely fucked up. But the indians think that kind of government is so cool. Then they come here and want to fuck up our way of live and government by voting for communists and other foul creatures who want government to run everyone's lives. I think it is time to kick every Dot indian clean out of here. Either that or curtail their voting rights. If they don't think like us, fuckem, they shouldn't be having any choice in our way of government

  4. Speaking as an MIT alumnus, I don't give a crap about his "MIT PhD". I will stipulate that I didn't meet any idiots at MIT, but there were plenty of 'spergs, fools, and assholes at MIT. Now these were high-IQ fools and assholes, but fools and assholes all the same. Persons I wouldn't trust to water my plants, much less run things.

    As to "[his] detractors are too stolid to understand what he said" I don't buy that. If you're trying to convey information to the man on the street, you gotta do it in a way that he understands. This does not have to do with your or his intelligence, it has to do with shared vocabulary and experiences. If I'm talking about a heart valve problem with the cardiac surgeon I'll use technical jargon because we both know it and it's convenient and precise. If I'm giving the diagnosis to the patient, I will use general terms, not because he's stupid, but because he doesn't have the technical background. If "Dr Shiva" can't do that he has no business trying to lead people. (And I looked at some of his graphs the other day. It was NOT clear or obvious what he was trying to say.)


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