
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday gifdump












  1. All of these were excellent. The donkey one pulled at my heart. Those fools going down the highway are nuts!!

  2. AOC getting her ears rubbed....

  3. #3 is just plain funny, and the beer cans explain everything about #4

  4. #6, I wonder if that dummy wears a mask in the car too?

  5. Why is #6 wearing a mask, is he going to rob the tree?

  6. #3 If I see that spider coming at me... I think I just might engage...
    # 4 and #10...future Darwin Award winners, hope they don't reproduce before they become winners.
    Thanks Wire, these are great.

  7. As a former Donkey owner ( I still miss them ), that is life with donkey's. They love loving on you!

    1. Me too, I had two jennies and a gelded jack, she is scratching her ass, I have a picture of me kissing my ass...

    2. I had a friend from work, who also had a hobby farm. He only had one horse, a Morgan horse. He was the same way, he loved to be touched and held. My friend gave him a half ear of corn, dipped in molasses. The horse went almost into spasms, he loved it so much. Just once a day, mind you, since he was not a working horse, but just mostly a pet.
      The crazy thing about the horse was that no matter the weather, and here in west Michigan, we used to get some blizzards that were just amazing, that horse would not come in out of the weather. It would stand out in the snow and wind, getting coated with ice, and not seem to be the worse for wear. The barn would be opened, so the horse could get in, easily,but he would not go inside, and my friend Fred, could not even coax him in.
      The other strange thing about this friend, was that after my mom died, and he died, along with his sister, I found out that his sister and my mom were partners nailing pallets in the crateworks in my small town about 36 miles north of the foundry where I worked, in the village where I grew up, and the crate mill that my great uncle, my mom's mother's brother owned. Shit, I wished I knew that, so that I could have told Fred that I watched his sister for hours on end, every year, for at least 5 years growing up. And that I learned my work ethic at the end of both my mother's arms and his sister's arms.


  8. #7 made me smile....

    Tim in AK

  9. #5 The ladybug is addicted to ink solvents.

  10. Re: Number 3....
    Do you want to get kicked in the face? Because that's how you get kicked in the face.

  11. #8 The things we learn on Knucledraggin'. My day is now complete. ;^)) - Nemo

  12. On my daily bike ride when I lived in w Texas, I would go past a field where there were 4 mules out munching grass. I began to bring a few carrots & apples with me. They would almost gallop when they saw me pull up. Quite a sight.

    I would spend 5 or 10 minutes doling them out. They were so beautiful and their teeth were huge but never got nipped! They would jostle each other to be right in front of me and when the fruit was gone, they loved me rubbing their long noses. Their eyes were huge too, big brown beautiful eyes.

    There's not much I miss about w Texas but I sure miss those mules.


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