
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday gifdump












  1. That last one might belong in "Fucking Mondays"!

  2. Joe Biden and the STILL tells us to UNITE and to HEAL– — as their Poster Child Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calls for making a lists of people they intend to destroy, treating Trump and his supporters as if they were Domestic Terrorists and wishing death to all his family. And calling us Republicans “Sycophants”…
    This is exactly what was done in the 20th century in the United States it was called a BLACKLIST denying employment to professionals believed to be Communists sympathizers. They were also denied employment because of their beliefs.

    So let me tell you now, NOW that our current President t is trying to exercise his right to question a RIGGED election, If anyone thinks with Biden’s winning that the Left intend to forgive and forget, to heal and unite, they are a fool—- people forget why they voted for Trump four years ago, and with Biden and Harris, they think that all of a sudden their going to Change the way that those animals in the streets were beating up old ladies and destroying, and upsetting a peaceful demonstration!. The Only Healing and Uniting the Left intend is for you to accept Biden’s winning and MOVE ON, forget any hope of living without them running your life, and that even if you WANTED to Unite and Heal, THEY WON’T LET YOU “UNITE” they want these riots, and Protests. They want the economy to tank .And they want you to believe that it all Trump’s fault.
    I was glued to to the TV the other night. Why? Not because I wanted to watch Dancing with the Stars, or some stupid “Funny Video” about Cats, and people falling…. No, but because of all the violence I saw in DC when the Sun when down, and Night fell that night. I saw almost every video that was posted, whether of couples and parents with children or of minorities and elderly people being attacked, and Sucker Punched, by JOE BIDEN’S SUPPORTERS. All innocent people who came to protest a Stolen Election. I watched as nobody on the left condemned this behavior. I watched as law enforcement did literally nothing to stop the violence, instead, the Mayor’s, and Governors of these States let their States, and our nation’s capital become a hellhole.
    With Antifa, marching around Shouting that “America was NEVER Great”!

    1. AOC will keep flapping her gums even as the Hangman puts the noose around her scrawny neck.

    2. This is in response to #9?

  3. #1. Both need improved night vision and a class on the dangers of too much diversity.
    #6. As long as the umbrella holds up, that is the best place for those people. Hail can kill.

  4. 7) That's an ammonite. We dig em up out of the yard in North Texas.

  5. #1, I call BS on
    #4, yes I knew a broad that stupid once
    #9, great way to scare a guy into a heart attack

    1. On #1 I agree. Notice how the buck's hind quarters suddenly fade out as it approaches the left edge of the image? The mountain lion's hind quarters don't. It's a fake, but a pretty good one. It almost got by me until I noticed the fade.

  6. #1 Shhhh I'm huntin mountin wyins.

  7. I wish more people would learn to take Portrait Video

  8. On a better note,I had not hunted in over 30 years, until around 3 years ago, I started hunting white tail deer with my oldest son, on his homestead, with 20 acres, and a HUGE log home, in the country. Opening day, I missed a 6 point. I am using a home defense shotgun,with 1 oz slugs. Wednesday morning, I saw 6 does,and a probably buck about 100 yards away in the woods, at the tree line, just against horizon. Then a buck came out following the does. I thought it was a 4 point, but it turned out to be a very nice spike. I hit him with my shotgun, at about 50 or so yards, and knocked him off his feet. It was a little too far back, but it broke the spine. It was not dead, so I shot again, and knocked it back down. I got down, walked over, and the damn thing had drug himself about 50 yards with his front legs. I fired a mercy shot and finished him off. That is the first deer I killed in over 30 years.
    I had always used the 1.25 oz slugs, but these 1 oz slugs are just fantastic. Accurate, they do not drop hardly anything, at 50 yards,and they are moving at 1560 fps at point blank range.
    I left the deer hanging in my sons outbuilding. This morning I was going to head over and skin him and then process it. But the temperature was expected to hit 60 degrees today. My son called me and asked if he could drop it off at a processor on his way to work. He doesn't want any deer on his property to ever go to waste. I told him to go ahead. This is the first time I have ever paid someone else to cut up a deer. But as I get older, I find that I don't mind paying people to rake my leaves or to plow my driveway, so why not let them process a deer too.
    Now, my son tells me that whitefish are coming into Muskegon Lake from Lake Michigan. Back to fishing, I guess. You have to love living in Michigan, other than the Empress of Lansing, you know.


  9. #10. I did that once. Only in a an empty one. But, of course, I am a clumsy fuck-head.

  10. #1 almost explains the tracks I found while hunting a couple weeks ago. Except it was the cat tracks on the deer tracks.


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