
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Trump Supporter Files Restraining Order Against Biden-Supporting Neighbor

ROCKLIN (CBS13) — A Rocklin man has filed a restraining order against his neighbor, alleging his neighbor harassed him over his support of President Donald Trump. 

“I didn’t want to do this,” Michael Mason said. “They’re making me have to do this.” 

Mason says he filed the restraining order that would keep the neighbors 100 feet away from his home. He says his Ring doorbell video shows their children harassing his family with Biden chants outside the home.


  1. There is a clear reason why I did not have a Trump sign in my yard: I don't trust the HOA Barney Fifes.

  2. The new left is the Zombie Apocalypse.

  3. This time next week the Trump supporter will be in the gulag.

    1. Nice all American sentiment you fucking Commie! Remember who most of the veteran, hunters, gun owners and honest patriotic Americans would side with when the left gets their wish.

    2. PG, I guess you missed the dry humor. Take a breather dude.

    3. "This time next week the Trump supporter will be in the gulag. "

      You misspelled "mass grave," comrade.
      - General Secretary Harris

  4. Remote control pepper spray....

  5. If some lefty neighbors are harassing you, just sit out and your porch and calmly clean your gun. Then you can calmly tell them to "Get off my property!" Then smile again.

  6. Perimeter protection works well, such as electrified trip wires, ieds, big mean fucking dogs posted in the yard between you and their paths to you.

  7. What about paintball guns? I hear they sting a lot.
    ‘Course, backup with the real thing likely will be necessary.

  8. Start with a motion-detector sprinkler, like some folks use to chase cats out of their yard, and escalate from there as needed.

  9. Sanders you answered the question. Late night highjinks would be my order of the day. This guy is a pussy and I wish you would not have posted a pussy Trump voter. It gives us a bad rap.


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