
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

When it's springtime in Alaska.....



  1. Been there, felt that. Mosquitoes rarely bothered me, but what really got me were the White Sox and No-See-Ums. White Sox left a small round red welt that lasted a long time.

  2.'s 40 below.

  3. Snow here on the ground and the buggers are still not dead yet.

  4. We found ourselves in Anchorage, about 5 years ago, late summer...My cousin, who has lived up there well over 50 years, told us we had just missed the mosquito season, but everywhere we traveled, we still brought a can of bug spray, just in case...

  5. Must be somewhere else. Skeeters are too small.

  6. Warmed up from -26 to -10 below.
    No skeeters currently outside on the homestead.
    Remember folks.
    Only FEMALE mosquitoes bite, males only feed on nectar.

  7. 16 degrees at noon right now. The first hatch of mosquitoes are small, slow and stupid. It’s in June that they are big and fast!


  8. I lived in Anchorage AK for one year back in 83, winters suck, sun doesn't come up until 10:30 or so in the winter, starts getting darker at 1:30pm, always cloudy, like living in a dark cold cave. Summer you have light all night, fishing at 2:30 am is kinda cool, not possible down in the states, picking up a babe, staggering out of a bar at 2:00 am and finding out what she really looks like in the light, sometimes not so great. The cost of everything is outrageously expensive, all merchants, vendors, business's stab the hell out of you price wise. If a breakfast down in the states now costs 11-15 bucks I wonder what the Ak prices are, $20-35? Summers are great, can't take the winters. Get to know some of the Indian natives up there, great people.

  9. Thems the little ones. Them fuckers get big enough to carry off small children..


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