
Thursday, November 19, 2020

When you allow your imagination to run wild.....

When presidential administrations change, we have an opportunity to take stock of our national challenges. In homeland security, the chief threat is evident: white supremacy terrorism. 

For decades, the United States has slow-walked its way to an acknowledgement that the homegrown white supremacist threat is growing. It is mystifying why this brand of terrorism has received little response, relative to the vigor with which the United States pursues adherents to al-Qaida and ISIS. The data and analysis on white supremacy are clear.


  1. One hope I have as the Biden administration begins putting their 2 cents in is the stark contrast the Left's attitude toward helping others before helping their own citizens. Trump was unashamed of watching our backs. JUST LIKE ANY OTHER LEADER.

  2. What? Did Yahoo News reprint an Onion article?


  3. Posted after the first paragraph. What an idiot. I grew up in Oklahoma City and McVeigh blew up the murah building to punish the government for the branch davidian Waco compound. A documentary showed McVeigh sitting on a car hood near the branch davidian compound and some press guy just happened to come by and did a video interview of him watching the ATF women and baby killers. Hope the story author is inside the next government building if and when, where ever it may occur.

  4. Oh and guess his race and job description

  5. Of course, pantantifa, BLM, NFAC, Black Panthers, Weathermen and all those now armed government agencies (that have zero reason to be so) are NOT proto terrorist organizations. Sarc/off

    If it were me, I would be keeping a very close eye on the BLM (land management), Forest Service and Post Office, not to mention NGO such as Microsoft, Google and Fakebook.

    1. Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden and their 'Committee For Economic Development' with the sole purpose of eliminating-by-any-means anybody earning more than CFED's ever-changing income.

      Advertising you are going to murder millions of folk.
      How is that tolerated by LawEnforcementOfficials?

    2. "Advertising you are going to murder millions of folk.
      How is that tolerated by LawEnforcementOfficials?"

      Uh, generally speaking, when a society engages in mass-murder, it's the law enforcement types who do most of the heavy lifting in the actual killing.

  6. Scotch does it for me...every time i drink scotch, i get intense feelings of whiteness, privlege, and yes, even supremecy.
    but its gone when i sober up a day or two later...
    so it just goes to show ya, nothin lasts forever....especially good scotch.

  7. “and its up against the wall redneck mothers.....” cuz its all about the race ya know, its not about the globalist agenda and the engineered collapse, its about the race. Divide and conquer so far seems to be working pretty good. No shortage of Kool aid dispensers these days.

    1. I can't believe all you conservative White people who just figure on giving in to these commie bastards. You don't even talk about saving yourselves much less doing anything to save others. Why don't lots of you just commit suicide and save the commies a bullet?

      I am probably as old as most of you here and older than some others. My knees hurt when I push myself. But I can still shoot. Me, working alone, without letting anyone else know what I am doing am going to take out more commies in my AO than Trump can even imagine. And I don't even have working transportation. How will I do this? I am not saying. You figure it out on your own. If there are 100,000 of guys like me, our Country could be saved. With the people I read on here who are ready to give up, this country is doomed.

  8. Replies
    1. Yahoo "news".



  9. All the Caucasian supremisis I have noticed being violent the last couple of months were white black supremisis, BLM and antifa Marxist goons.

  10. MORONS running print everyday I see.


  12. Regardless of how credentialed this guy claims to be, this is a propaganda article.

  13. Dr. Southers' Wikipedia page lists him under "Brown University alumni". OMFG! Isn't that all kinds of racist? What kind of Nazis are running Wikipedia anyway?

    Obviously BLM, NFAC and Black Panthers are all okay, because of how much their people have suffered.
    You see, in The New America, your social position is based on personal suffering (claimed, not actual) and group suffering. "Oh! The trauma is so bad it has been epigenetically encoded, it has! Oh!" We have outsourced our culture to professional victims, so this is what we get.
    Victimhood = three things:
    1) Victimhood = Virtue
    2) Victimhood = Free pass from any negative scrutiny
    3) Victimhood =Tthe right to accuse anyone noticing your bad behavior of Hate Crime

    And the key players of the Weather Underground? Best not to think about it. See #3 above.

  14. I suggest that most "White Supremacists" have a career, support their families, raise their kids right, and don't give a fuck about the opinions of professional shit-stirrers.

    1. "and don't give a fuck about the opinions of professional shit-stirrers."

      And that's why they're not taking the threat seriously. Every time some group starts making genocidal noises, their future victims always assume that they're not serious, won't actually do it, etc.

  15. "Yahoo News" is an oxymoron. Sort of like "Fox News" now.

  16. They keep pushing it and they‘re going to see White Supremacy on a scale they never imagined.
    Blacks have a whole continent of their own. Problem‘s filled with other blacks.

    1. And broke. Every black in africa has to actually work for a meal. Lowlife POS here can lay about all day and still eat on EBT. fuckem

  17. Apparently the author never saw the video of the Michigan kidnap doofus, posing in front of his leftist anarchy flag, and the rest of their ties to antifa. Instead, he's trying to create a false impression.

  18. The intent is obvious - demoralize the opposition and energize the masses. This is propaganda. Propaganda is fodder for the sheep to keep them fat and happy. "Oh, good, our Masters are protecting us from those terrifying wolves. Are you going to eat that?"

  19. When these anti-white shitheads say they want you dead, what they really mean is that they want you dead.


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