
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Kalifornia Dicktator: Masks must be worn at all times outside the home

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday more stringent statewide guidelines for when to wear a mask or other face covering to stop the spread of the novel coronavirus. In short: If you're outside and near anyone not in your household, wear the mask. 



    Pennsylvania to commiefornia to hold its beer.


  2. Fuck Newsom............and his Auntie

  3. Is there no one in the entire state with the balls to take this nazi out?

    1. Nazis are way better dressers.

    2. You shouldn't insult the Nazis like that. Nazis actually liked their native population (most of 'em, at least) and their homeland.

  4. Commiefornia voters will get more of this, good & hard. LOL.

    Face masks do more harm than good. Look for a spike in bacterial pneumonia this winter from idiot people wearing petri dish diapers on their face for hours on end.

    There's no reason what so ever for healthy people to cover their mouth & nose.

  5. Under exceptions "You are required to wear respiratory protection for work". Which is a mask. Next stop is a full Haz-Mat suit.

  6. PA Gov Tom Wolf has ordered that masks must be worn INSIDE YOUR OWN HOME if you have guests from outside your household.

    1. I'm fully confident the edict is based on Solid Science (TM). After all, Governor Wolf is ably guided by this bastion of mental health who serves as the PA Secretary of Health.

  7. Who can argue with that?

    Next words of wisdom from the capitol dome:
    If for some reason there is a toilet in the east direction of your house, then using bamboo in the roof of the toilet can be of great help to reduce the ill effects.
    In other words...
    Therefore, if the woman weighs the same as a duck, she must be able to float on water, which means she is made of wood, and consequently must be a witch.

    Who can argue with that?

  8. Yea, we won't be doing that...💩

  9. Developing Social Outcasts - anyone not wearing a mask. Welcome to the New Communism of the 21st Century where unnecessary, over-reaching, over-bearing, high-handed, dictatorial “regulations” are followed by the selective application of so-called “laws” largely based on what they think they can get away with, including nicely sanitized explanations for our “protection” and all the Pay-To-Play graft, massive democRat corruption and continuously streaming preposterous propaganda you can handle!

    Gee Wally, it sure seems a lot like the old Communism don't it?

  10. There are some things I miss in CA, but I'm sure glad I left it behind 20 years ago.


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