
Friday, December 18, 2020

A couple articles on the AR Pistol Brace and the ATF

ATF to Publish ‘Factors for Classifying Guns with Stabilizing Braces’

U.S.A. -( Documents leaked to several media outlets Wednesday show the Justice Department is moving to publish in the Federal Registry on Friday, December 18th, 2020 a document titled “Objective Factors for Classifying Weapons with Stabilizing Braces” ( embedded below). Note the document itself is not a ban on pistol braces but it does lay the groundwork for extensive restrictions on what firearms can have the Stabilizing Brace accessories in the typically convoluted and vague ATF fashion. 

NRA Releases Official Statement Regarding The ATF and Pistol Braces

U.S.A. -( By completely changing course on earlier decisions, BATFE has signaled that it is ready and eager to collaborate with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other gun control extremists to infringe on our Second Amendment rights.

The NRA will fight these aggressive anti-gun actions on pistol stabilizing braces and Polymer80. Gun owners know elections have consequences.


  1. ATF can fix the mess by only allowing the use of a "brace" when it is attached to the shooters arm. Otherwise it's a stock

    1. ATF can fix the mess by backing the fuck off. They're not lawmakers, you know.
      They've stated in previous letters that how a person uses it doesn't define what a brace is.

    2. I will go one further and say they can fix this by disbanding and everything becoming legal again without any say so from the government...

    3. Brilliant idea, Matthew. So every gun owner will have his own personal ATF agent following him around everywhere to ensure that he only uses the brace strapped to his arm?

      How else will they know if the brace is actually a stock? Good thinking, comrade!

      And I'm sure you'll dutifully report to the local ATF office any miscreants at the gun range whom you witness misusing their braces, thereby turning them into illegal stocks, yes?

      The secret police can't do their job without the help of loyal lapdo- citize- *subjects* like you, you know!

    4. The NRA is a joke what they should be saying is we will fight against the theft of the election because if the steal is allowed to stand then it doesn't matter about elections anymore and it all comes down to Power...But alas they just want to get paid like all the other grifters out there ..

    5. Amazed at the number of “supposed” liberty people, seems most still want to ask “permission “ from the elite.......

    6. And... What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" can't people fucking understand?

      Four fucking words. Which means 'if it's considered 'arms' then Big or Little Government needs to back the fuck off!'

      Four fucking simple words.

      The BATFE can go fuck itself.

      So sick of listening to 'gun-people' defend the ATF and any arms-control measure.

      The 2nd Amendment is one of the easiest to understand. If it's arms, it's for the PEOPLE and any US Government cannot fuck with the right of the PEOPLE to fucking own, shoot, carry, display, futz with, finger, fart around. As long as the PEOPLE just don't go around randomly murdering other people. But then it's not the fault of the weapon but the fault of the person.

      Such a simple concept... and so hard for even our own side to understand.

      Oh, you want a short barreled select-fire rifle with an attached grenade launcher, and you want to use a wrist brace and fire teflon or Depleted Uranium jacketed bullets? Here's the bill. Thank you for choosing Bob's Gun and Death Emporium for all your gun and death needs.

      4 fucking words. Which the BATFE violate by just existing.

    7. Bob’s Gun and Death Emporium has a nice ring to it. I would shop there

  2. ATF has been staffed by as__oles for as long as I can remember, which is a looong time.

    1. And right now, ATF is ramping up the ass-holery in anticipation of a Biden regime, while the NRA is ramping up its next fundraising drive in anticipation of a Biden regime.

  3. Earlier today I saw an ad for a pistol brace kit for the Mossberg Shockwave.
    I wish I had the money to get one right now.

  4. Screw the ATF and all the rest of the alphabet federal clowns.

  5. “Unintended Consequences” John Ross.


  6. I read the ATFE proposed rule change, and to be honest, I can't tell what the hell they're talking about. Are they talking about arm braces that get strapped to the forearm, or are they talking about shoulder stocks?

    Which one are they proposing to restrict?

  7. It's not about crime, it's about you refusing to be injected with some unknown substance, refusing to self-isolate in your home, or refusing to get on a cattle car because you have the means to defend yourself.
    Wannabe tyrants can't stand that.


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