
Tuesday, December 01, 2020

According to the MSM, you'd think business would be booming

LAUREL COUNTY, Ky. (WKYT) - The new statewide mandate has funeral home directors questioning the necessity for some of their services. The number of guests allowed in attendance has been limited again. 
“They can’t go see their family member in the hospital. And when they pass away, they can’t go see them in the funeral home,” said Roy Martin, owner of Dowell and Martin Funeral Home.


  1. You are not allowed to see the dead in a funeral home because those dead are too busy filling out ballots for the next 10 elections.

  2. Next article I expect to see is the Dowell and Martin Funeral Home had a tragic fire.

  3. Those rules apply to everyone but politicians and their friends, of course.

  4. In a town near me, there is a funeral home with "drive-by viewing". I wonder if their business is booming. My own innovative suggestion for that is the pop-up corpse. Imagine... "HI!"

  5. What is the difference between a 'mandate' from bumblebrats and a 'dictate' from self-important tin-horn dictators from the Bureau Of Justifying Our Existence?


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