
Friday, December 11, 2020

Arrogant Dem quote of the week: Rural Americans ‘have no contact with the expert class’

New York Times op-ed columnist David Brooks ignited a wave of backlash after insulting rural Americans who have no contact with the “expert class.” 

The political commentator’s pompous contention, during an appearance on MSNBC, that the right feeds on conspiracy theories and have been “left behind” while those in blue cities are “thriving,” sparked much head-scratching and criticism on social media.


  1. Maybe we don't have any contact with the expert class, but we can feed ourselves. Can you city dwellers do that?

  2. Why would you expect anything else out of a rootless cosmopolitan who had his oldest son join the IDF instead of the US Military.

    1. Of course has a kid joined the IDF. (((Brooks))) Oy vey

    2. Since very near the end of Bush's 2nd term, I had been advising youths to not join the U.S. military. I think most vets would agree with that position. Since then, and certainly under the Magic Negro, has military been mightily messed up. I continue to think mil service is exemplary but it's the D.C dickheads which are troubling.

      Anyway, what does that have with proving the subject person is a douche? His own words have already done so.

  3. I consider most big cities shitholes because of the Libtards living there, the filth and the crime. So Mr pompous ass, stay in your thriving blue shithole and shut the fuck up. Would not move to a big city if given a free place to live.

  4. Perhaps the "lack of contact" thing isn't accidental? Did that ever cross their enlightened minds?

  5. “Look at how much more Republicans are affected by conspiracy theories than the Democrats, so it can’t just be the internet, there must be some demand" said 'expert' David Brooks, who has forgotten all about the Democrat conspiracy theory that Trump had colluded with the Russians to affect the 2016 election.

    BTW, wasn't 'conservative' Brooks the frickin' maroon that knew Barry O would be a great preezy because of the crease in his trousers?


  6. Elmo.... Good one!!

    Chutes MAGOO

  7. I'd like to see how well an "expert" such as he would do behind the wheel of a combine.

    He's a symbol of a deep sickness on this country.

  8. My wife and I chose to leave the city and move out to the rural to get away from the cesspool of where we were living. We escaped the sirens, the boom boxes, the subhumans who stare at you when they go by, the lazy cops who want you to report a crime by filling out a form instead of coming out to take a report. We even had two cops that were fired because they were gang members and aided the gangs in town by tipping them off. We escaped the wanton waste of tax money by the city council who get their way and punish the citizens by threats and increasing so called "Fees" for basics such as streets and garbage pickup to buy new furniture for the city hall. We have gone from property taxes of over $1,000 a year to $23. We have no inspectors to come out and measure your chicken coop (seriously). Our dirt road is better and smoother than most of the city's paved roads. Expert class my ass. I wouldn't go back to the city for nothing. We have our own garden, water well, chickens, and shooting range. What else do we need? We are Separatists by choice.

  9. "Conspiracy theories"? Like Russia/Russia/Russia? Like party-sanctioned election fraud? Like "false and irresponsible nonsense" about Hunter Biden? Like Global Warming? Like "mostly peaceful protests"? Like "lists of Republican Trump enablers"?

    Bullshit, MSNBC.

    1. A wholly owned subsidiary of BSNBC.

    2. Arrogant motherfuckers living in their own filth.
      I hope they all burn.


  10. Expert class ? Give me a break from laughing to reply, the so called expert class I've come across in my life are the most ignorant, useless, self-entitled, laziest dumbest pieces of shit I've been unfortunate to have met. Whenever I'm hired by these idiots for a repair or addition project I always double my bill. Friday morning I did a $300 cash job that took 15 minutes from one of those " experts "..
    So stay in your little world and keep thinking you're superior while shelling out the cash to me so you're light switch words dipshits. Rotflmfao


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